MASTERING THE ART OF CHICKENING OUT ? --------------------- RAINS ! While rain is one of the best things ever created by god and a joy to thousands of villages all over the world where its parched ... A divine gift in deserts .... Its really sad that when it rains , instead of running out and getting drenched in the heavenly downpour and enjoying the magical drops drumming lovely melodies on ur face and body ... Many morons shut themselves up and call up and advise friends not to step out without an umbrella . Afraid of getting wet or just an excuse to stay home and bunk from school , college or work ? I am still appalled that I get calls from my archers do we have archery practise ? Its raining heavily ? In spite of telling archers a hundred times that if it rains we will have a class ... It its raining very heavily we will certainly have a class and if its a storm we definitely will have a class ; its sad to see an empty field when it rains . Thats what happened today . Though I had taken pains to send a very long message to all archers last night on whatssap that they must come ready for rain training and what dress they must wear , what footwear is best suited and extra dry clothes and plastic sheets and and and .... Most of them conveniently chickened out . Yes CHICKENED OUT ! But then It was a joy to see five of them hesitatingly loitering around wondering if there will be a session or not . Got a message from Aashish that there was no one here . Do we have a class ? Son ! If no one is there ... Then u have the field all for urself . Why did u not start on ur own ? Lead recurve scorer selva called HU the field is flooded . Are we gonna shoot ? YEEEEESSSS I screamed back as I drove to the field I dont mind starting aquatic archery if I have to but goddamn it We are gonna shoot!! . As expected Yazarafath and Yasmeen the couple were there (without their equipment ... ) They are competing for the cash award I had announced ten months ago fifty thousand bucks for anyone who comes regularly in time daily without break till my next birthday . Was it true commitment or fear of losing the cash award ? I BELEIVE it was commitment . And yes Sripathy ! Bravo boy . You are very special to me . It was a great experience trust me ... Meditating , mission oath declaring , exercising and yes shooting in the rain . As I was about to start , Kuldeep calls namaste HU . Its raining very heavily here . What to do ? go to sleep betae I told him ! I had come prepared with a basic synthetic intuitive bow . Others used terrabands to shoot . Where were the other archers ? Sleeping ? Hiding ? Chickening out ? Guys its not raining bombs ! Its just wonderful rain. Afraid of rain ? What do I do to u guys ? And you want an olympic medal? Shame ! Ive just mentally awarded all of u who did not come this morning the medal for the best CHICK ! Praying for more rains tomorrow and more CHICKS ! -HU
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 08:04:44 +0000

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