MATTHEW 7:15 ‘WATCH OUT FOR FALSE PROPHETS. THEY COME TO YOU IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING, BUT INWARDLY THEY ARE FEROCIOUS WOLVES. Precious Brothers and Sisters in Lord Jesus Christ; The Apostles puts churches on alert to beware of people who do not have the true gospel at the centre of their motivation. They are in the church but cannot stop causing divisions or obstructing the mission of the church. Unfortunately, it is rare to find a church without any people like this. They present themselves as kind, caring, and compassionate. They listen to people and sympathize with their hurts and complaints. The way they do it is by smooth talk and flattery. They make people feel good about themselves so that they can take a position of power. The reason is that, although they may have been attracted to Lord Jesus Christ, they do not serve Him as Sovereign Lord or honour Him as Lord God Almightys anointed one. Instead, their motivation is their own fleshly appetites. They may well be sincere to themselves, but actually they are pulling the church off track and deceiving people who are unable to discern any better. My beloved, be alert and watch out for such people; and when they are identified, to keep away from them. It is the responsibility of church leaders not to be naïve and to disciple those who allow themselves to be instructed. It is the responsibility of church members not to be seduced by flattery or encouraged to join a party spirit; because the greatest enemy of the church is not from the outside but from those who are inside but not serving Lord Jesus Christ; even though they think that they are. Have a blessed day in Lord Jesus Christ. Sovereign Lord blesses you all. Stay blessed.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 11:08:15 +0000

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