MBOK YAK MBRE ATONGO NDIEN IBIBIO GOVERNORSHIP: A BIRTH RIGHT OR A SELFISH QUEST? BY TOROBONG EKPO- torobonge@yahoo I have watched and listened with rapt attention to the agitations by Ibibio Monarchs and stakeholders for Governor Godswill Akpabio to let his successor be an Ibibio man, irrespective of Senatorial District, in the ongoing Federal Constituencies’ Town Hall meetings in the state. Though such request is not in tandem with the zoning principles as enshrined in Section Seven of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) constitution, it is pertinent to note that Akwa Ibom State has six tribes of Ibibio, Annang, Oro, Ekid, Andoni and Ibeno. Since the amalgamation of Nigeria in 1914, three tribes have governed the state. Late Udoakaha J. Esuene (Ekid Tribe); Chief Donald Etiebet (Annang); Late Chief Clement Isong (Ibibio); Late Obong Akpan Isemin (Ibibio); Major General Edet Archbong (Ibibio); Otuekong Idongesit Nkanga (Ibibio); Obong Victor Attah (Ibibio), and Chief Godswill Akpabio (Annang) to mention but a few. On the roll call of Deputy Governors, Ambassador Etim Okpoyo (Oron); Dr Chistopher Ekpenyong (Annang); Sir Michael Udofia (Annang); Engr. Patrick Ekpotu (Ibibio); Obong Nsima Ekere (Ibibio), and Lady Valerie Ebe (Ibibio). From the above, it is clear that the Ibibio have gained more than lion share in both the Governorship and Deputy Governorship positions. Despite the marginalization of other tribes in the distribution of governorship seat, the tribes never revolted against the government of the day. A unique feature about the undermined tribes is that they contribute immensely to the huge capital growth of this state through its natural resources. The greater part of oil base of this state is situated in the undermined tribes (Oro, Obolo, Ekid and Ibeno). Research shows that the elders, youths and women of the area have been law abiding, they believe in justice, equity and fair play. The quest for tribal leader is strange to both the PDP and 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. While PDP constitution demands that political offices should be zoned, the Nigeria Constitution gives right to citizens within a stipulated age to vote and be voted for. It is believed that almost all the tribes have intermarried; hence, it is difficult these days to find a family in the state that does not have a spice of other tribe. It is quite unfortunate to notice that with such level of exposure, our monarchs and stakeholders are bargaining for tribal monopoly instead of opting for equity and justice. To me, the act of requesting for an Ibibio Governor may instigate other tribes to feel timid, sidelined and marginalized. On the other hand, it may also cause enmity and rancor, especially where those sidelined are the breadwinners of the state. A political scientist once said “leaders from minority tribes performs better than those from majority ethnic group,” off course, one need no soothsayer to say that within six years in office, Governor Akpabio, being from a minority tribe, has performed creditably well. It will be an insult to say that the request to hand over power to an Ibibio person was borne out of greed and selfish interest, however, it is shameful to see our monarchs, who should be uniting us, being the ones spearheading disparity and disunity among us. To be fair, I’d expected them to state the reason behind such demand or the criterion such person should possess. Unfortunately, none of these issues were discussed. They only claimed that Governor Akpabio had earlier promised to hand over power to an Ibibio man in 2015. Though I was not present when such agreement was entered and I taught by now the Governor would have followed the footsteps of the Rivers State Governor, Rotimi Amaechi, who told journalists recently that his mandate will expire on 29th May 2015, thereafter, God will choose his successor. Akpabio should not have played God by promising to hand over power to an Ibibio man. There is a saying that ‘man proposed, God disposed’. This Governorship contest is beyond the present Governor. It is in God’s hand. The Bible makes us to understand that power comes from the Almighty God. So, the State Governor will only cast his vote on the PDP primaries and Election Day. He may not know the content of others votes, so let us keep fingers cross! I can hear someone say, he will choose delegates, yes he may, but could you remember that out of 12 disciples of Jesus Christ, Judas Iscariot was among. Before the endorsement of two Commissioners and Secretary to the State Government (SSG) by members of the State Executive Council, there was a bulk text messages notifying the public on such meeting. Who sent the text? Who also betrayed the Exco? That is a question for another day. My curiosity will not allow me, if I may ask, for the Ibibio Governorship, which political platform does the uncommon Governor intended to hand over mantle of leadership to? Is it on the platform of Ibibio Democratic Party? Or,the People’s Democratic Party? If it is in the former, then he was right, but if it is in PDP, then the Governor should have a re-think, because the umbrella which serve as a symbol of the party accommodate all irrespective of tribe, hence, governorship seat shouldn’t be sacrifice on the altar of tribal sentiment, rather all should contest, but delegates should vote for the one that will benefit the lot in the society. Though it was a suggestion, but it is pertinent to state that, the Governor of the state does not have the political power to single handedly hand over power to anybody, not even an Ibibio son or daughter, if he had promised such, I guess it was an oversight or triggered out of desperation. Except the Ibibio governor will come and complete the edifice at Le Meridien Ibom Golf resort, Ibom International Airport, Independent Power Plant and other projects initiated by the former Governor Obong Victor Attah, if not, then the forthcoming gubernatorial race should be contested by all the tribes. No tribe should be given preferential treatment, rather, delegates and electorates should vote for an aspirant that mean well for the state. Zoning should be considered, but Please let antecedence count, not tribal sentiment. Yak Isong Adod Ukana
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 20:40:14 +0000

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