MDers/AMERICAS/GLOBE [The MD ANTI-FASCIST RADIO Mix!!] -- CLICK BELOW below to learn, share, and protect yourself and your loved ones anyway you can!! . youtube/watch?v=k-bQYOaSOvk&feature=share&list=LL9GUNiTGAVSG5gMnj3JdBFw . . MD DIRTY DEM GubbNa Candidate Anthony Brown is the most incompetent man in Maryland. Stay uninformed, my friends ... . . AMERICAS/GLOBE [MORE ANNAPOLIS, MD POLITICAL SCANDAL!!] --Marylands Lt. GUBBNa Anthony Brown within Governor Martin OMalley Administration appears to have kicked back significant amounts of money to web development contractors through sweat heart sole sourcing deals, or similar scams and/or mismanagement. Now, Brown is running for Governor. . See the video to understand the mess Brown created!! . According to this source, Maryland taxpayers could have to pay $40-50 million to fix our broken healthcare exchange..., which Brown himself created!! . MARYLANDS DIRTY DEMOCRATS: ANOTHER OWEMalley Folley 1. CREATE a PROBLEM (i.e.: A broken healthcare exchange, scams). 2. FIX the PROBLEM (i.e.: Run for Governor to fix the problem ...). 3. CLAIM PROGRESS. . CONDEMN SYSTEMATIC PUBLIC ABUSE!! PROSECUTE This GUBBment Crime Ring!! . LEARN MORE & NOTICE HOW Lt. Governor Brown WEASLES HIS WAY out of ACCOUNTABILITY and an INTERVIEW w the PRESS & Public: INTIMIDATION & DUCKING ACCOUNTABILITY are NOT the Traits of a REAL PUBLIC SERVANT!! . . Annapolis, Maryland is N.O.W. the epicenter of moral bankrupcy because NO Maryland politicians are taking on the third rail of political corruption, which is the $2B RACKET of SYSTEMATIC PUBLIC ABUSE that is run by the Annapolis, Maryland Senate Judiciary Committee members past, present and future!!!!!!! . Why wont Annapolis (They) pass such a bill for Maryland Judicial RACKETEERING ABUSE VICTIMS? ... Lets do a quick Q&A: . 1Q. They have been/are practicing GENOCIDE by systematically abusing us? . 1A. If convicted for systematic GENOCIDE, they face the gas chamber. . 2Q. They have been assessing an illegal, invisible tax on people they do not like? . 2A. If convicted for systematic TAX abuse and REPRESSION, they can be hung. . 3Q. They have been MONEY LAUNDERING with our taxes? . 3A. If caught, they can have their assets seized, jail time, etc. . 4Q. They have blocked Family Law Reform to keep the $2B RACKET going? . 4A. If caught, they face jail time, asset seizure, loss of BAR racket mechanism. . 5Q. They have set up a complex farse network of helplines and money funnels? . 5A. If caught, they will be prosecuted for money laundering, racketeering, etc. . 6Q. They have been offshoring money plundered from the middle class? . 6A. They will be hunted down globally by angry parents and patriots. . MD BAR: It is well past the time to admit that you where caught ROADBLOCKING REFORMS!! . HEREIN LIES THE PROOF of your CRIMES AGAINST We The People: KAPOW UNAMERICAN ANNAPOLIS CLEPTOCRATIC ELITIST LAWYERS!! . KAPOW!! you UNAMERICAN FASCIST TYRANT SYSTEMATIC PUBLIC ABUSER PIGS!! . tp . Ted Palmer Forensic C.P.A. (Ret.) Disabled Legal Abuse Victim in MD Family Law Courts & Father of Two Innocent Children That Are BEING HELD FOR EXTORTION By The Annapolis JUDICIALs $2B+ RACKET & CORRUPTION!! . ------ . The TRUTH on ANNAPOLIS JUDICIAL CORRUPTION!! ... LEARN THE WHOLE BACKSTORY & BREAKING INVESTIGATION by visiting the links HEREIN: https://facebook/TedPalmerRockvilleMD/posts/10203502388341864 . This is WHY YOUR TAXES ARE TOO HIGH & WHY MARYLANDERS ARE BEING FORCED to FLEE FROM THE STATE!! . PLEASE READ, SHARE TO EDUCATE AND LOBBY for AN END to THE ANNAPOLIS JUDICIALS $2B+ RACKET of SYSTEMATIC ABUSE AGAINST the PUBLIC NOW!! MARCH!! (This is your call to action at the State House to DEMAND HANGINGS!!) . #MDPOLITICS #STOPCHILDABUSEFORPROFIT #ANNAPOLIS #MARYLAND #ROCKville #washingtonpost #BEYONDBOUNDS #MoCo #mdga2014 #MDCONS
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 18:24:35 +0000

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