MEETING ON PROPOSED MAIN STRRET MENDOCINO SHERIFF SUBSTATION ? WHATS THE BIG SECRET ? MSP heard from an extremely reliable source that there was a meeting held for Main Street merchants at the Mendocino Fire Department today (2:00 pm) concerning the location of a Mendocino County Sheriff substation at the Ford House Museum & Vistors center, Main St, Mendo. It was about a year ago that this idea first surfaced at a County Supervisors meeting and has been kicking around since. The substation would be located in the small wooden structure behind, and to the side, of the museum. A sheriff presence off Main Street, it was felt, would cut down on the vandalism, drug use and transient traffic in the area. MSP brought the subject of a sheriff substation in Mendocino to Sheriif Tom Allman at the Great Day in Elk last summer and he said the department was planning to remodel that structure on the Ford House grounds, but, he said, the person from the county initially in charge of gathering information and planning the changes was arrested for DUI and those plans, etc. became unavailable due to the arrest. The sheriff said they had to start over from scratch. And now, apparently, theyre ready to go forward with the new plans. Sheriff Allman pulled no punches when talking about the substation: Build it and they will leave he said referring to the transients in the area. We remembered the Anderson Valley Advertiser ran a piece on the proposed substation last year and found it in the Off the Record column on January 28, 2014. (MSP note, it is at the FORD, not Kelley, Musem grounds): SUPERVISOR HAMBURG on a Sheriffs substation for the village of Mendocino: Last Friday Sheriff Allman called a group of people together from the Planning Department, from State Parks, and from the Mendocino Area Parks Association to talk about the establishment of a new sheriffs substation in the town of Mendocino. That is moving forward. It will be in a very dilapidated carriage house behind the Kelly House and that building is going to be restored. Its a very simple building and the restoration can be pretty simple. The Sheriff intends to do a lot of the work with inmate labor and donated materials. We are going to go before the Mendocino Historical Review Board and make sure that we do it in a way that is okay with them. But we are not going to tear it down. We are going to basically refurbish this building and make it into a usable space. It will be very important to show the flag over there with a sign over there that says ‘Sheriffs Substation.’ It will be right there on the headlands. And we have a lot of issues coming up there. The business community in the town of Mendocino of course is very supportive of this. They want to see it. Obviously, this is not going to be something that is staffed all day long but it will be there as a resource to the Sheriffs Department, a resource to the community. Im very excited about that. Im glad to have the cooperation of State Parks because of course it is on State Parks property.” PHOTOS--(TOP) The Google Earth view of the Ford House - the proposed Mendo Sheriff substation would be in the small building to the bottom right. (BOTTOM) The structure that may hold the sheriff substation.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 23:39:20 +0000

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