MENTAL ABUSE Eddie, I find the faith healers and word of - TopicsExpress


MENTAL ABUSE Eddie, I find the faith healers and word of faith preachers to be types of Jim Jones, David Koresh, and Charles Manson. They may not give killer wine Kool Aid to the people to drink, but they do manage to contaminate the minds of people with subliminal messages. For 20 years I followed the teachings of many faith healers and word of faith preachers. I attended their conferences. Spent thousands of dollars buying their books, tapes and videos, and I gave more money to their ministries, when I should have given to people who really needed it. My life became a total nightmare when I began to experience anxiety and panic attacks because I just couldt keep up with any of the religious works that supposedly they told me that God expected of me. To make a long story short, I was hospitalized after being diagnosed with psychosis. I no longer couldnt distinguish truth from lie, reality from fantasy. After 6 years of getting counseling for my condition I decided never again to set foot inside a church. I learned that I had been programmed to believe the things that these word of faith preachers had themselves imagined. What I thought would make me wealthy, bring me health, healing and soundness of mind and bring me closer to God turned out to be my worse nightmare. My health insurance only covered a certain portion for my condition. In the process I lost a good job and almost my marriage. My wife wrote and even called many of these word of faith ministries that we had believed, supported, followed, and trusted for years, and all we received for a response was to believe God and rebuke the illness and the devil. To continue to confess and release faith. Not a single one of any of these ministries helped us. The only ones that helped us and kept us from losing our home were family members and friends that did not believe in God, nor in any of the ministries that I had followed for years. I hope that you post my letter on your face book page, because people need to be warned of the dangers of these false ministries, and also be made aware of other Christian Churches that push their doctrines of one has to do things for God in order to remain in Gods will. The confusion of not knowing whether it was God testing me, or the devil fighting me, or me sinning finally brought me to a nervous breakdown. All I can say to you Eddie, is that your website of grace opened my eyes and I will never shut them again to believe a lie. Love you brother... Jeff McAlister San Diego, Cal
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 23:30:02 +0000

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