. MESSAGE, MESSAGE, MESSAGE, MESSAGE, MESSAGE, ITS TIME TO CHANGE NOW NOT TOMORROW. Now that the Federal & the State and the white Business have got this things in place like the Closing of the Gap, Fair go for Aboriginal people, Reconciliation, we Aboriginal people have been saying that the Buck stop here with them the Federal & the State and the white Business and they have got to stop cheating Aboriginal people in setting up an Conspiracy of Lies when they make an Business Deal with Aboriginal people so that they can pay them Tea-Leaf, Floor and Dripping like they have done back in the 1920 to today and they cant say that this isnt true as they and you just look at my grandfather on the Fifty Dollar Note when then Reserves Bank of Australia Acting Governor Bob Rankin and the Chairman Henry Rankine of the Point McLeay Mission have pro-claim that Melva Linda Carter is the daughter of his nephew and my uncle Telford Unaipon to get her to sign those forms of the Reserves Bank of Australia; with no proof or any document or any documentation what so ever to prove that she is the daughter. TO WHOM IT MAY CONSERN. They the Chairman of Point McLeay Mission Council Henry Rankine and the acting governor of the Reserves Bank of Australia Bob Rankin have set up this Aboriginal women call Melva Linda Carter to claim that she is the daughter of my grandfather David Unaipon Nephew and my uncle Telford Unaipon with no proof or any document or any documentation to prove that she the daughter of Telford Unaipon, just because Henry Rankine first showed Bob Rankin who he will be dealing with and Bob Rankin said not him he is an Political Aboriginal Actives, I dont want to deal with him because he want what his grandfather David Unaipon are in-title get and I dont want that, so Henry Rankine can you get some one else cheap so I can deal with. ???????? Is there anybody that want to make money on sponsoring us into the federal court, as I have laid out the full reason that Melva Linda Carter isnt my uncle Telford Unaipon daughter and they have not got any substance of proof to prove that she is my uncle daughter, and her Birth Certificate dont support them. They the State & the Federal are now talking about Aboriginal people in Australia are now getting an Fair go like Reconciliation and an lot of Aid in their Community like Native Title, Aboriginal Legal Rights Services, Aboriginal Heath, Aboriginal Organisation, Aboriginal Medical Centre, Closing the Gap, Justice Commissioner, and many more out there. Well is this what Aboriginal people have to go through, get White Business people like the Reserves Bank of Australia to come in an throw around big money around in poor Aboriginal people to make them commit an Conspiracy of lies in helping to put a person into Aboriginal Genealogy Family Tree like they did to Melva Linda Carter and saying that you wont get into trouble because we will stand with you, as they pro-claim that she Melva Linda Carter is my uncle Telford Unaipon daughter BASSES on What, just an Letter from the Point McLeay Mission Council with only the Chairman Henry Rankine, Members of the Point McLeay Mission Council and few of the Elders that lived on Point McLeay Mission, I dont care what Court they went to they still got to go into the Court proper and produces the proof that prove she is my uncle Telford Unaipon daughter any document or documentation of any files to put up. Question can they, ????????? Well it clearly show in Australia today that when it come where Aboriginal people want justice in saying to white business people like the Reserves Bank of Australia by clearly saying you came to Point McLeay Mission in South Australia looking for the family of my grandfather David Unaipon and spoke only to the Chairman of Point McLeay Mission Council and throw money around like an dunking sailor and pop up pop Melva Linda Carter as the daughter of my uncle Telford Unaipon, with out asking for proof or doing any research to prove that she is the true real daughter of my uncle Telford Unaipon, or asking Aboriginal family around the area, like Meningie, Tailem Bend, Murray Bridge, and Adelaide, we was in Murray Bridge, but you never did that only believe Henry Rankine. Anybody know of a friends who want to make money all they have to do is Sponsor our cases of my grandfather David Unaipon that they have put on the Australian $50 Dollar Note without the real family permission and I am the Elders we Aboriginal family have got Rights, into the Federal Court in taking the Federal Reserves Bank of Australia into the Federal Court, for Jacking this Aboriginal Women call Melva Linda Carter from Point McLeay Mission, in pro-claiming that she is my uncle Telford Unaipon daughter, we can prove that she isnt our uncle Telford Unaipon daughter and they the childrens of Melva Linda Carter cant prove it, only an Letter from the Chairman Henry Rankine of Point McLeay Mission Council. Again Come on Tony Abbott you are the 28th Prime Minister of Australia and you said that your heart is in Aboriginal people, you never have apologise to the Aboriginal people and said you are sorry like an big men now, but can you walk a little more down that path and give justice to Aboriginal Death In Custody familys around Australia and my grandfather David Unaipon please pick this one up it been now 20 years waiting for justice and all you to look into what I have written in about Melva Linda Carter that you fellers stated an set up this conspiracy of lies in pro-claiming that she is my uncle Telford Unaipon daughter, so read it and come to your senses and admit that you all made an big mistake that you people got it all wrong in making that deal with the wrong family and make the real deal with the right family. Again come on Kevin Rudd and stop trying to uses Aboriginal people for your re-election as the Prime Minister in going for an cheap political Football and face the real deal with the real issue that might get you over the line and beat Tony Abbott and that is to stand with my grandfather David Unaipon, the Aboriginal man on the 50 Dollar Note and give him Justices, also the real Trlue Aboriginal Designer of our Aboriginal Flag George Brown not Harold Thomas and give closers to all Aboriginal Death In Custody Familys around A ustralia of Justices and you might get over the Line. Come on Kevin Rudd the New Prime Minister for Australia you have shown respected for - Dr Yunupingus family have given permission for his image, surname and Yothu Yindi music to be used. Weve noted that in the first comment in this thread but it may have been hidden!, We the Campbell family for 20 years want you Kevin Rudd the new Prime Minister for Australia to give us the living family of our grandfather David Unaipon in getting justice and to take away this conspiracys of Lies that been place on our grandfather David Unaipon, an story in getting to the facts on if Melva Linda Carter, as Henry Rankine was the Chairman & the Point McLeay Mission council member, and the few Elders that live on Point McLeay Mission and the acting governor of the Reserves Bank of Australia Bob Rankin they all have stated that she Melva Linda Carter is our uncle Telford Unaipon daughter and if they are still pro-claiming that their mother is the daughter of our uncle Telford Unaipon then they have to produces the proof to claim that, and Bob Rankin at the time was the acting governor of the Reserves Bank Of Australia and he excepted without doing any research or asked any question of where are the proof or better then that show me her Birth Certificate, he done neither and when I question Bob Rankin he just said that he believe Henry Rankine in telling the truth, and when you said that - Dr Yunupingus family have gave you the permission well we give you the permission and we can produce the proof that we are the living familys today and They the Childrens of Melva Linda Carter cant produce any document or any documentation to prove that they are family of our grandfather David Unaipon, Allan Chirpy Campbell An Old True Blue Aboriginal Ngarrindjeri Ramindjeri Elder Leader Warrior Activists. * * P L E A S E * * S H A R E * * To the Minister For Aboriginal Affairs. And the New Prime Minister Kevin Rudd he said that he stand for Justice in Australia, well Kevin Rudd will you stand up for straightening out the Conspiracy of Lies in what they Henry Rankine the Chairman of Point McLeay Mission Council Henry Rankine wrote the Letter & the Acting governor Bob Rankin of the Reserves Bank of Australia excepted the Letter without doing any research in finding out if she is the daughter of my uncle Telford Unaipon, as Bob Rankin said I Believe Henry Ranki9ne and that what they did to my grandfather the Aboriginal men on the Fifty Dollar Note, in pro-claiming that this Aboriginal women Melva Lin da Carter is his nephew and my uncle Telford Unaipon daughter, basses on WHAT ????????????? No Document or any Documentation to produce the proof to prove that she is his nephew or my uncle Telford Unaipon daughter. So when will you The Prime Minister of Australia will Justice and straighten out this mass that been going on for 20 years now and you say that you are doing an lot for the Aboriginal people, well show that you mean what you have been talking about, you people put my grandfather on the Fifty Dollar Note and say that you Respected him, then show what you meant ??????????????????????????????? WHY WAIT UNTIL WE GO INTO THE FEDERAL COURT IN ADELAIDE,WE CAN SETTLE IT RIGHT HERE AND NOW AND VERY SIMPLE, IF YOU GOT THE GUTS TO FACES US HERE, AS WE DONT REALLY CARE WHERE WE MEET YOU TO GET YOU TO ASNWER ONE QUESTION FOR THE PROOF OF YOUR MOTHER IN PRO-CLAIMING THAT SHE IS THE DAUGHTER OF MY UNCLE TELFORD UNAIPON, YOU CAN PUT UP HERE OR IN THE FEDERAL COURT IT MAKE NO DIFFERENCES WITH US, BUT IT ARE GOING TO COME TO THAT 20 YEARS OF PRO-CLAIMING IS NOW COMMING TO AN END, AS WE KNOW EVERY NGARRINDJERI BODY IS WATCHING AND ASPECAILLY THE SO-CALL CHILDRENS & GRANNIES OF MELVA LINDA CARTER -KROPINYERI WHO PRO-CLAIM THAT SHE IS THE DAUGHTER OF MY UNCLE TELFORD UNAIPON AND THEY ALL BEEN TO SCHOOL IN READING AND KNOW HOW TO DO RESEARCH, WHAT 20 YEARS THEY SHOULD HAVE IT ALL THERE AND READY TO PUT UP, IF THEY GOT THE GUTS TO DO SO, WE WILL SEE JUST HOW BIG OF A GUTS THEY REALLY ARE, AS AN TRUE BLUE NGARRINDJERI AND ALL THEY HAVE TO PRODUCES THE PROOF OF THEIR MOTHER BIRTH CERTIFICATE FROM POINT MCLEAY MISSION THE COUNCIL OFFICE OR THE RIGNEY GENEALOGY BOOK OF MELVA LINDA CARTER-KROPINYERI MOTHER FAMILY CLANS, WRITTEN BY HER FIRST COUSIN DOREEN MAUDE KARTINYERI, BACK IN 1989 AND PLUBLISH IN THE SAME YEAR, SO COME AND SHOW YOURSELF YOU SHE HAD THE GUTS IN SIGNING AND THEN SHE TOOK MY GRANDFATHER WEALTH. We the Campbell family have been fighting this for 18 years now and we are looking for any business person Aboriginal or White that want to sponsor our grandfather David Unaipon the Aboriginal man who is on the $50 dollar note, so that we can go into the federal court and forces the Federal Reserves Bank of Australia to re-negotiation if not then we will sue them for putting on the $50 dollar note without the permission from us the real family, as from 1995 when they put him on the $50 dollar note he is on there illegally and we will prove it, as we will point out clearly that this Aboriginal women name Melva Linda Carter isnt the daughter of our uncle Telford Unaipon and we got the proof to prove it, like her birth Certificate and her mother Vera Carter (Nee) Rigney, The Rigney Genealogy Family Tree Book, that was printed and published in 1989, by her first cousin Doreen Maude Kartinyeri, the only thing that hold Melva Linda Carter-Kropinyeri is the LETTER from Point McLeay Mission Council and in that LETTER there approve that she is the daughter of my uncle Telford Unaipon. Or this is the way that the white Business people, the State & the Federal Government treat Aboriginal people in making business deals, by setting up an conspiracy of Lies in pro-claiming that he or she is the son or daughter of your uncle or aunt to make an deal with that person he or she, because they dont want to make an business deal because the he or she is an Aboriginal Active, that want the same as the white people and to be treated the same as the white people. Allan Campbell Aboriginal Activist Wants 30 Million Dollars Allan “Chirpy” Campbell wants the Australia’s central bank pay him $30 million for the “unauthorised” use of his great uncle’s image. Hmm, seems the woman who gave permission for the image to be used on the Australian $50 note wasn’t the indigenous author and inventor David Unaipon’s daughter after all. Mr Campbell will travel to Sydney to present his case for compo to the Reserve Bank. David Unaipons image has been on the Aussie note since 1995 with no complaints, but it seems now after 13 years its a big deal. Well, here is hoping Mr Campbell gets a better deal than the last Aboriginal who took on the courts, artist David Malangi was compensated $1,000, a fishing rod and a silver medal after they used his painting of Arnhem Land on the $1 note without his permission. Allan Campbell . Henry Rankine & Bob Rankine have pro-claim this Aboriginal womens in stating that she is the daughter of my uncle Telford Unaipon, basses open what that why I am showing you Aboriginal & white people these document and documentation to show you the proof that she is not our uncle Telford Unaipon daughter at all and you can make up your own mind in is she or is she not, and they never show any one this, just and Letter from Point McLeay Mission Council, you be the judge ok. Look at Melva Linda Carter Birth Certificate and special in the father Colum and you will see just who is her father, and its not my uncle Telford Unaipon at all ever. Allan Campbell I got your aunt Birth Certificate is this true or wrong can you tell us ok; Melva Linda Carter, 29 / 03 / 1935, father name; Rolland Carter, mother name; Vera Rigney, Place of birth; Point McLeay Mission; in that Colum there are No name of my uncle Telford Unaipon in the father Colum. In the Rigney Genealogy Book Melva Linda Carter, 29 / 03 / 1935, father name; Rolland Carter, mother name; Vera Rigney, Place of birth; Point McLeay Mission; in that Colum there are No name of my uncle Telford Unaipon in the father Colum. I found and Record written up by Maria Rigney and Joe Lane, in 1966 on Point McLeay Mission, call Point McLeay Family Records, from 1840 to 1965, the birth certificate date of Melva Linda Carter, 29 / 03 / 1935 and in the father Colum it got the father name call Rolland Carter and the mother call Vera Rigney and 8 of their childrens and Melva Linda Carter is down the bottom of the listed, and it got none of my uncle Telford Unaipon not mention in there ever. Allan Chirpy Campbell An Old True Blue Aboriginal Ngarrindjeri Warrior Active. Allan Campbell In that document of 3 documentation the (first) document of Melva Linda Birth Certificate on Point McLeay Mission from the Old Point McLeay Mission Hospital record from 1840 to 1965, the birth date of Melva Linda Carter, 29 / 03 / 1935. and in the father column the father name was Rolland Carter. (2) document from the Rigney Genealogy Book, of Melva Linda Carter-Kropinyeri birth Certificate and it say that she was born on the 29 / 03 / 1935, and in the father column the father name was Rolland Carter. The (third) I found and Record written up by Maria Rigney and Joe Lane, in 1966 on Point McLeay Mission, call Point McLeay Family Records, from 1840 to 1965. the birth date of Melva Linda Carter, 29 / 03 / 1935, and in the father column the father name was Rolland Carter. And third document of them dont fully support Melva Linda Carter, and if you can see that my uncle Telford Unaipon is written in there, I will eat my hat and never ever protest ever for the struggle for Justices, Land Rights and freedom for my people ever, Allan Chirpy Campbell An Old True Blue Aboriginal Ngarrindjeri Warrior Active. Allan Chirpy Campbell -- My uncle Telford Unaipon statement in the Book call the Conquest of the Ngarrindjeri People written by Graham Jenkin, he have written it with Leila Rankine a very highly respected Ngarrindjeri women and every Ngarrindjeri people that know her highly respected her, The last of the Ngunaitponi, Telford Ngunaitponi, who died in 1977, seen here with Mrs Leila Rankine at Tailem Bend in 1973, (Graham Jenkin). And if you want to research to find it its in the Book call the Conquest of the Ngarrindjeri people, Allan Chirpy Campbell An Old True Blue Aboriginal Ngarrindjeri Warrior Active. .................................................. ...............................................................
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 10:26:12 +0000

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