MESSAGE TO ALL NIGERIANS YOUTH AND NIGERIANS IN DIASPORA. BY Comr A I Kolo Time for action to save Nigeria is now... Time to shake the govt & take Nigeria to another level.... Time to decide for our destiny and let our leaders know that they have failed us woefully. People are dying of hunger, deceases, frustrations and jobless etc...due to bad leadership in this country. Must we allow our nation stinking like this for ever? until we collectively fight together & speak with one voice. they would never build a future for the nation... Future of Nigeria & destiny of our posterity lies today in our hands and should never be neglected. I comr have the confidences that, Nigeria can still be great again only if me & you can embrace this task and contribute our quota to make this vision a reality. Just be part of this change, history & struggle. posterity are waiting to celebrate you ,as a hero of change that fight for freedom... Let all hands be on desk, lets rise to speak for helpless Nigerians and eradicate evils from our own dear nation Nigeria starting from our homes. All we want is pure federalism and a new Nigeria. Youth are ready to serve @ various capacities by 2015... These elders started leading this nation since 1960, wen they are under age 30 to 40yrs... The step that we are taking now determines our future and future of our unborn generation of me and you. We as citizens must open our eyes and mind to know who we need to follow, we are technically at war both domestically and regionally. The deprivation being witnessed by the majority of our people is gruesome, unbelievable, inhuman and out rightly unacceptable. The ruling Party is clueless to see that Nigeria has failed in all human development index ratings. For 16 years running,several Billions of Dollars have been plundered and wasted on white elephant projects. What more evidence do we need to accept before we know the time for them as expire and they are of no positive use to us than to go their graves. Is it the absolute squander of over $20 dollars as alleged by a prominent member of the ruling class? Or the Subsidy Money, the Pension Funds, the SURE-P and out right misapplication and misappropriation of funds. The lack of transparency and accuracy in the book balance of federal government agencies and commissions; does this justify the level of poverty in Nigeria, we were just told by world bank that,About 87% of Nigerians are absolutely leaving in poverty which our finance minister is finding it difficult to accept the analysis by world back what a shame. Where is the Audit Report of these Organizations in the last 16 years? Fellow Nigerians, the mere convergence of Politicians to form an Organisation does not translate to service delivery but the formation of a merger party was borne out of the desire to do things differently; some state governors support mega of 4 political parties to save our present and secure our future. Can dis set of politicians truly deliver our state and nation by 2015? Oh no no no they are bunch of vampires. what are the programs set up in their various state that benefit less privilege and masses? what are the interest of their partys leaders that serve in different capacities in this nation; only to the benefit of the riches? The days of doing things as usual is over. May God almighty save Nigeria and Nigerians from this bunch of heartless leaders. TWEET ME @KoloAbdulsalam.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 12:13:02 +0000

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