MINDING YOUR MUSCLES For anyone who has been focusing solely - TopicsExpress


MINDING YOUR MUSCLES For anyone who has been focusing solely on cardio as part of an exercise regimen, it might be time to add a little strength training to the mix. According to this article from The Sydney Morning Herald, new research has found that strong muscles lead to a bevy of health benefits. During exercise, the muscles release hormone-like chemicals that affect every system of the body. These chemicals reduce inflammation linked to heart disease, type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Some studies have also found that these chemicals suppress tumors and slow cancer cell growth. Exercising muscles also strengthens bones, helps control blood glucose levels and boosts muscle repair. The more you exercise your muscles, the more energy you will have as well since exercise increases the body’s level of mitochondria, which are the powerhouse of cells. The expert quoted in the article says we need two to three strength training sessions a week in addition to aerobic exercise. With all these benefits, adding a little strength training to your normal routine is worth a try. And for all the ladies out there who are afraid of looking bulky from strength training, don’t fret. According to fitday (fitday/fitness-articles/fitness/why-you-need-to-be-strength-training-and-how-you-can-do-it-without-bulking-up.html#b), women don’t produce enough testosterone to build extra-large muscles. A strength-training program for fitness can help women strengthen their muscles — not increase their size — to form a toned appearance without bulk. Strength training also could add new life to a normal exercise routine that might be starting to get a little stale. The next time you go for a run or a bike ride, try this: Stop at the halfway point for some strength training. Maybe do a few sets of push-ups and tricep dips or bring along some light weights. You will get the best of both worlds — benefits from cardio and strength training, plus an extra dose of fun. Live well. ~Stephanie M. #muscles #exercise #weight #diabetes #osteoporosis #Alzheimers #running #cycling #kickboxing #cko
Posted on: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 13:20:01 +0000

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