MIRACLES! GOD blessed us Elder Tony Hall and Evangelist LaToya - TopicsExpress


MIRACLES! GOD blessed us Elder Tony Hall and Evangelist LaToya McClain-Hall with our two miracles 13 & 12 years ago. It was known upon our marriage NO KIDS by physicians. Bishop Stephen B. Hall Sr. held a Prophetic Conference at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia. Prophet Kevin Harris, guest preacher of Virginia for the Martin Luther King Observance service held at RHEMA-UGA Campus. I went to lunch as we preachers do before service so that whatever he had to say would be spoken over lunch. Well, it didnt happen! Rushed back to hotel to prepare and get dressed for service because I was appointed to opened up the services as Worship Leader. I opened up the service and was preparing to take a seat next to Bishop Stephen B. Hall. Prophet Harris stopped me and spoke these words to me, “I see light-skin son.” I said “NO” light-skin daughters. The audience thought I was crazy and looking back I do too. He spoke again I see a light-skin son. Next person he called was Evangelist LaToya McClain-Hall. I never told him we were married or anything. The word he spoke to her was the LORD is going to bless the fruit of your womb and 9 months from now to date when I see you again he’ll be born. I broke out in praise so strongly and so did Evangelist along with all my Hall/Morris family present. Nonetheless, say it was on after church I couldn’t wait. :-D So, he came 9 months later as spoken I took our 1st son Anthony Rochelle Hall II into Bishop Stephen Hall’s office to show Prophet Kevin Harris and I said you’re an accurate Man of God! On this very day 12 years ago Zeri Armani-Rachon Hall son #2 was born and declared by physicians he wouldn’t live past 24 hours. While Tony II and I were waiting in the room the HOLY GHOST say, “Pray” and I didn’t quite understand because we both already prayed. So, Lil’ Tony started get restless at the age of a 1 year old. So, we took a walk to the door which led to the Operating Room for delivery and we saw doctors rushing out the room with a blue baby past Lil’ Tony and I my spirit clicked with previous instructions “Pray”. They brought LaToya in the room hysterically crying and I said drug her. I’ll take over all updates to me only. My mother-in-law and Uncle Bo-bo took Lil’ Tony. I went to the Neonatal, Intensive Care Unit and took a seat next to the incubator I didn’t let him go until GOD blessed our souls while seeking GOD’S face. My baby this son here Zeri Armani-Rachon Hall turns 12 today. Prophetess Amber “Jean” Barber laid hands upon them while being carried by their mother Evangelist LaToya McClain-Hall and spoke, “There’s nothing wrong with these babies they will be Prophets. She praised GOD as only she could and would. That WORD has become alive and active. We were traveling I-75 South to visit my Uncle Bishop Jack Stephens, other Uncles and Aunts. The boys were asleep I tell you they woke saying, “Daddy! Daddy can we sing you a song they started singing; GRATEFUL by Hezekiah Walker”. Then my baby daughter Lauren kicked in the Anointing was so strong I wept so had to exit off to gain my composure. Tony II has professed his calling at 11 years of age and preached. I spoke with my baby son Zeri, Daddy I can sing better than you. He song me a praise song and I wept. I praise GOD for all my children being saved as the bible states. HALLELUJAH GLORY to GOD! ( JOSHUA 24:15) And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. HAPPY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY BABY ZERI ARMANI-RACHON HALL OUR MIRACLE! –ELDER TONY HALL I & WONDERFUL MOTHER EVG. LATOYA MCCLAIN-HALL
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 06:33:43 +0000

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