MOMMA C DOLORES JEAN JENEE CAMPANA EULOGY Hello, and Peace be with You! My name is Scotti Campana, the youngest son of Patsie (P.C.) and Jenee Campana. Yes, I am the BABY, and I am also the youngest of the 2nd generation of Campanas from Thomas & Maria Nicole (Maddamma) Campana. I have the distinct pleasure and opportunity to speak to you today about my mother. She was not just a wonderful person, but a wonderful and exceptional mother, friend and human being! My mother was born April 28, 1927 to her beautiful and loving parents Edna & David Hume. She was named Dolores Jean and was the only daughter with two brothers Richard (Uncle Dick), her older brother and Bobby, her baby brother. She and Dick got into their share of mischief, but Bobby was sick for much of his life with epilepsy. They had a very humble life as they homesteaded and farmed to make their living and their way in the world. There was not alot of money, but they certainly made up for that with a loving family life. I loved listening to my mom tell stories about how she would wake up at 4 am to work in the farm separating the milk before she rode her horse to school. She was a beautiful girl with alot of spunk. Her best friend was Bernita and they smiled and dreamed up their glamorous life! They would read all the adds in the womens magazines about the French Clothing and they were so taken with it that they decided to change their names! My mother, Dolores Jean became Jenee and her girlfriend Bernita became Bernee! They were crazy, fun-loving girls and had many great stories to tell. Both were chosen to be Drum Majorettes for all four years of Powell Wyoming High School. You cant talk about my mother and her life without talking about my father and their storybook romance! You cant talk about Jenee Campana without talking about her children, the Campana family and the City of Lorain which she loved and adored! My mom and dad met in Tocoma, Washington when my father was in the Navy. There was a dance at the Crescent Ballroom and mom and her cousin decided to go, even though they were underage. As the music played, they enjoyed seeing all the good looking sailors and then one handsome guy caught moms eye. As she gazed across the dance floor she watched this handsome Navy man walk toward her and her cousin. She thought he was going to ask her cousin to dance and he surprised her and chose her! She was thrilled as she melted into his arms as they swayed to the music of Long Ago and Far Away. The rest is history because they fell in love at first sight and grew into an everlasting and beautiful love. While my father was stationed in Tacoma, Washington he worked with my grandmother who also worked at the shipyard. After the Navy shipped my dad out, my mother also worked at the shipyards as a Rosie the Rivetor! and there were many young men who wanted to court her, but she had her heart set on Pat Campana. They got married in Powell, Wyoming and then moved across the country to Lorain. When they arrived in Lorain, Ohio , it was a Friday evening and she saw for the first time where she would be starting her new life. It was a huge red brick complex on the corner of West 19th Street and Washington Ave. This complex was not only the Thomas Campana family home, but also an apartment complex and and cafe and bar known as Campanas Cafe, a very popular place for the neighborhood and the Italian community. Mom was not catholic and she was not italian so she had a rough start with Grandma Campana. She decided to change her religion and eventually she became accepted and loved dearly by Grandma Campana. Mom found a mentor in Rose DeTillio who lived across the street. Rose DeTillio and her husband Mike became Godparents for all six of us kids and she was like a family throughout her life. She taught mom to cook and be a great homemaker and a good wife. Aunt Rose was her special friend and confident and took the place of her own mother since my Grandma Hume died at an early age. My mom was also very close to my fathers only sister, my Aunt Rosemary. She called her Rosey They spent alot of time together and loved each other very much. She was the sister my mom never had. The Campana family definitely had a huge impact on mom, She had a profound affect on the Campana family! She also made a wonderful handprint on their hearts! Her life with the Campana family was drastically different from her life on the farm in Wyoming but she adored her new family and was very happy! She started making new friends which included Marie Bonaminio, Sally Krause and Lila Koury as her best friends. She and dad started a family after a couple years starting with David and Patti Ann following 22 months later. A couple years later came Larry, then Pat and Bobby. They thought they were done until I surprised them 9 years after Bobby! Mom was really a trouper keeping things together while dad was on the road for work. He would try and come home for the weekend but often travelled abroad setting up jobsites for large companies. Sometimes mom didnt even have a car to get around but she would never complain. She would pinch pennies and shop at garage sales and do whatever she needed to. She adored my father and supported him in his dreams. When he turned 49 he phoned her one evening and told her he wanted to start his own company and they could talk more when he got home. To my fathers surprise, my mother presented him with a that she stashed away from the checks he would send home to support his family. It was quite a substantial amount and my father was overwhelmed with gratitude and joy, knowing he could pursue his dream! He knew he had a real life partner...a real business partner...someone he could always depend on no matter what the circumstances were! My mother possessed all the wonderful, genuine and loving qualities we all seek to find in ourselves and work towards all of our lives. As a human being she was light years ahead of most because she knew how to forgive, hope and love! She learned this from her parents who were so loving and kind. My father was our teacher in business, our leader and our provider. My mom was our teacher of life, family, humility, meekness and joy! He was a task master, a visionary and an innovator....she was a nurturer, a caregiver and the love of our lives! My mother and I had a wonderful relationship. I drove her crazy as a kid like most kids do, but we had a special bond. She was not only my mother, but truly, she was my very Best friend.....she will remain in my heart! We laughed together and shared our inner feelings with each other. We had countless talks about deep emotion and love...she was such a treasure. SPIRITUALLY WE GREW DAILY TOGETHER AND BECAUSE OF OUR MUTUAL BELIEF IN JESUS CHRIST, I KNOW SHE WILL ALWAYS LIVE IN MY HEART AND WE WILL BE TOGETHER IN PARADISE WALKING IN THE COOL OF THE DAY WITH OUR HEVENLY FATHER!!! For all of you who are here today....thank you. Thank you for coming, thank you for being a part of her life and allowing her to touch your life. You were all important to have no idea how much she treasured everyone she called a friend or family. Thank you.....and may GOD GRANT YOU ALL THE DESIRES OF YOUR HEARTS.............MAY GOD BLESS YOU! Scotti Christopher Campana
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 01:07:15 +0000

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