MON 27/01/2014 BREAKING THE WALL OF TRADITION IN LIFE AND IN MINISTRY 1 Acts10:9-16 Tradition is doing the same thing the same way with the same method for years until it becomes a way of life to bring out the same result. Many of the great visions and dreams that would have been a great blessing to our generation today have been frustrated because of tradition. Traditions have the power to frustrate a vision. Matt15:6-“Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition” Mrk7:9&13-“And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition…Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered and many such like things do ye”. From the above scripture we can see that traditions make the word of God powerless, it dries the power in the word of God and denies it its potency in your life. Tradition makes you ineffective in life and in ministry; the Holy Ghost, commander of this dispensation is very dynamic in nature, He may move in this was today and decide to move in another way tomorrow, if you get yourself accustomed to one move and reuse to stay flexible for His next move, you will miss out. Everyone that refuses to deal with tradition always truncate the plan of God somewhere along the line. APOSTLE PETER Acts10:9-16 God let down for peter a sheet full of all kinds of animals, clean and unclean indicating that God was set to reach out to the gentiles with the message of salvation, but Peter would not because according to him, “I have never eaten anything common or unclean in my life”, and God told him “never you call anything I have cleansed unclean”, you cannot be holier than God Himself that brought the sheet to you. That singular encounter was the thing that disqualified Peter from the ministry to the gentiles and God gave it to Apostle Paul. By the time he will wake up from this trance there were men from Cornelius waiting for him, and the Holy spirit just had to use him because there was nobody on ground to use, but in Acts10:44, we see how God by-passed him by releasing the Holy Ghost baptism on every one of them before he could get the chance to make altar call. Lose yourself from tradition today so that God can be free to use you. PRAYER POINT: -Lord I fight vehemently every tradition that has held me on the same spot today in Jesus name. BIBLE READING PLAN: Gen27:1-46; 2Chron25:1-28; Jer12:1-17
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 11:55:54 +0000

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