MONDAY 26TH JAN 2015 WAUMINI 88.3 FM SOUL FOOD THEME OF THE DAY: LEADERSHIP BIBLE VERSE: Prov 20:2 Quick-tempered leaders are like mad dogs—cross them and they bite your head off. While it would be nice for every leader to be a Godly leader, the fact is that we will encounter leaders who are NOT humble, loving, caring, compassionate, or peaceful. Many leaders are irritable, short-tempered, and moody. Dealing with moody leaders today is bad, but in Solomon’s day it was exceptionally risky because they could have you killed. It’s dangerous to deal with someone who yields exceptional power without constraint or control. So if you have to deal with a moody leader walk cautiously and carefully, pray BEFORE you deal with them, and also pray FOR them. You can find peace in knowing that you have Godly protection and that their poison cannot stop God’s purpose in your life. But if you allow Him, God can use you to bring about a positive change in your in leader and in your environment. But just like an irritable, short-tempered, and moody leader can bring down the atmosphere that he or she oversees, an upbeat, positive, and pleasant leader can establish an encouraging environment that will benefit all those under their sphere of influence. Never underestimate the difference a positive leader, with a positive countenance, can make in an organization its people. In other words, never underestimate the influence YOU can have as a Godly leader. Whether it’s at home (over your family), at work (over your subordinates), or at church (over the LORD’s flock), the countenance of the leader will set the environment for the led. If you are a leader, you must remember the importance of preparing yourself to lead. Spend time in prayer BEFORE you spend time with your people. Cast your cares and concerns on God; receive His joy, peace and wisdom, and enter each day ready to make a difference. If you do you will lift your subordinates UP TO YOUR LEVEL.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 00:14:46 +0000

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