MONDAY MORNING MEDITATION: Money-Made Mountains And this is the - TopicsExpress


MONDAY MORNING MEDITATION: Money-Made Mountains And this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. ~ 1John 5:4, KJV A few years ago, one man died still owing a lot of money to the villagers. On the day of his funeral, the villagers prevented his body from interment until his children had paid every kobo (dime) he owed. A good man leaves inheritance for his childrens children but dreadfully, most people carry financial problems to their grave. … Casting out demons is a piece of cake for the believer in Christ. Healing the sick, praying in tongues, doing good deeds, embarking on a 21-day fast, preaching the good news of Christ - we trust God with ease. But solving our financial problems? Thats the albatross. Money is the muscular show stopper. Millions are crippled by the seeming lack of money. The cemetery is full of unfulfilled dreams of the victims of money-made mountains. Nine out ten times, what stops you from dreaming big or pursuing your hearts desire, other than money? I met a man who has postponed his marriage each year in the past six years - because he has no money. - Someone stopped going to school because no money. - Someone cant start a business because no money. - Someone cant send their children to private school because no money. - Someone cant travel with his family to see the world, because no money. - Someone hasnt started building his own house because no money. - Someone cant leave his house this morning - because no transport money. = Whats your own money-made mountain? = The strangest thing is that for the spiritual man there is really nothing as lack of money. Its only a mountain we have constructed in our heads. The devil whispers in your ear, Has God said that with Him all things are possible? Hes lying to you because without money you can do nothing. And we believed him! … Lack of money is a spiritual widget the devil plants in our minds to poison our faith and weaken our chances of fulfilling our destiny. How do I know? Because amazing things in my life were done when I hadnt a kobo to my name. Ive written dozens of books without money. I ran a television show for five years without money. I got married when I didnt have a bank account. Still, six days after our wedding, I quit the miserable job I had at the time and entered postgraduate school … without money! I lost six weeks of lecture looking for school fees, but at the end, I made it … at the top of the class … without money. … On the very day of our wedding, I couldnt afford drinks to entertain our wedding guests. I pleaded with a soft drinks seller, Please serve my guests… I will pay you off after the reception with whatever money people contribute during the Couple Dance. If you were at my wedding, youll confirm that I did dance with purpose. People wonder why I dance so well - that was the origin of my Michael Jackson moves! It worked because I was able to pay off the woman immediately after the wedding. Ive been married 19 years. If I had let the money-made mountain stop me, I would still be single. When I tell people, You dont need money to get married! they just mope at me as if to say, Cant he see the mountain before me? So, God spoke to me over the weekend, Why do My people complain about lack of money stopping their dreams? Sir, I said, its because you cant achieve anything on earth without money? Really? said the Lord. Yes, Sir. Thats why we call it currency. On this planet, without it, You wont be current. Its interesting you lecture Me on the planet. Yes … because I live in it. But I made it, He said. Now, You come again with Your oppressive Super Power. Of course I know You made the planet, I chuckled. Seriously, Ogbo, when I made the universe, there was no money. Money is only an invention of the sons of men. I made the universe with wisdom and faith. I called things which didnt exist into existence - trees, mountains, oceans, galaxies, stars, birds, fishes were made. The same power is available to you to call up unseen things into the physical. If you must fulfill your destiny, you must first learn that the real currency of greatness is faith, not money. Tears trickled down my face as the Lord spoke this deep mystery into my spirit. = Im Now Used to Mystery Monies = … Nearly two years after I had left Shell and Shell left me, I experienced the most frustrating tyranny of unpaid bills. One evening, I thought, Lord, I need N3 million urgently or Im sunk! The next morning, during my devotion, my phone rang and I received what sounded like one of those 419 calls: Am I speaking to Mr. Ogbo Awoke Ogbo? Yes! I answered cautiously. I am such-and-such from SPDC. You have a cheque with us that has been lying on my table. Please confirm when you would be in Port Harcourt so we could validate the cheque and have it ready for you. Cut story short; it turned out to be true! After I paid tithe on the cheque, I had N3 million and some change. Up till today, I dont know what that money from my previous employer was for. The insiders I asked didnt know either. But what does is matter, it had my name on it. … That wasnt the only time Ive received mystery money. Few months ago, I had no kobo to pay for my radio airtime. Three days before then, I received a mystery credit alert on my cell phone for an amount just enough for the radio time. The narration for the credit alert was bizarre and unclear. I spent the next 72 hours making phone calls, trying to figure out who paid that odd amount into my business account. No lead. So, I paid the radio station. Nearly four months after, no one, including the bank, has asked, Did you receive the money we paid into your account? If I continue my personal stories of mystery monies and unsolicited gifts from friends and strangers, you wont go to work today. I used to wonder how Peter found money in the mouth of a fish, how a bird brought lunch to Elijah for years and how fives loaves and two fishes could feed 5,000 until I started experiencing mystery money! Lesson Two: Angels are real. Sometimes, they appear as people … and they can send credit alerts to those who are called according to Gods purpose! = Be Dream-Driven! Create Your Personal Universe = … If you are driven by faith instead of finance, if you are driven by a dream instead of doubt, amazing things can happen in your life. If you are driven by the passion to see justice, righteousness and Gods kingdom come in the lives of people … by the compassion to heal the broken hearted and set the captives free …. by the desire to see people scale up to their true potential, amazing things will happen to you, financially. Yesterday evening, I ran into a fan of mine who earns N7 million a month from a network marketing company. He is an architect by training but he said, Mr. Ogbo, I practiced architecture for 13 years and it could not put food on my table. Now, I am able to face my dream to serve my people through running for a political office. … I have come to realize that where there is a strong desire theres a way. God will order your steps to meet the right people and to attract the right financial opportunity that will make that dream happen. Just as God created the universe from nothing, you can create your own personal universe with the same raw material of wisdom and faith? And you can make your personal universe as big and bold as you want it. This should excite you - God said: I created you to prosper, not to fail. I love you. Have an awesome week! Be significant. Be healthy, wealthy and wise!
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 07:22:44 +0000

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