MOONCOIN (MOON) This has no premining, a huge positive. Mooncoin - TopicsExpress


MOONCOIN (MOON) This has no premining, a huge positive. Mooncoin goes with the large number of units angle vs the scarcity angle. The number itself is a little bit of a gimmick, but still, educational in a way? 384 Billion units of Mooncoin will exist for each millimeter from the earth to the moon. (why not?) There isnt anything that different about Mooncoin, other than high unit count and a good name. The high unit count makes it cheap and fun to collect, so there is no reason at all not to pick up some Mooncoin. As for if Mooncoin will go to the moon? Maybe not... the only problem I have with it is that the coin is gold? Not that big a deal, but even just a high resolution image of the real moon, with a gold ring would look better? Just a little bland right now. Minor detail, just a personal opinion. As it is really just the name, unit count, and logo that set it apart. I will use this as a good excuse to talk about the name. Mooncoin *is* a good name. There is a an old town in Ireland named Mooncoin: (what a cool name for a town!) There is a Celtic design associated with it. There is gaelic song about Mooncoin even: How sweet tis to roam by the sunny Suir stream, And hear the doves coo neath the mornings sunbeam. Where the thrush and the robin their sweet notes combine On the banks of the Suir that flows down by Mooncoin. Flow on, lovely river, flow gently along. By your waters so sweet sounds the larks merry song. On your green banks Ill wander where first I did join With you, lovely Molly, the Rose of Mooncoin. Oh Molly, dear Molly, it breaks my fond heart, To know that we two for ever must part But Ill think of you, Molly, while sun and moon shines On the banks of the Suir that flows down by Mooncoin... anyway... Scrypt Algo Max coins: 384,400,000,000 MOON (yes, billion!) Block time: 90 Seconds Difficulty re-target time: 8 hours Pre-mining: Absolutely none! Mooncoin, not bad? Could use some minor tweaks, but has some potential with some tweaks and a good website. The moon itself is fascinating and there is an amazing amount of history about it. I bought a few mooncoin, as they are so cheap there is no risk to buy a small amount. Maybe it could go somewhere, but perhaps not every coin has to go to the moon?
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 11:09:22 +0000

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