MORE CONCERNING MY EXPERIENCE INSIDE THE GREAT PYRAMID from the soon to be published manuscript entitled, Reflections From the Kingdom of SIAM ~ mO cON~vO~SA~TIONS OF LUMINOUS EGGGGGGGSSSS!! PART ONE ~ HOW LOUD IS SILENCE? Have you ever experienced the loudness of the silence? once eye was sitting in a very deep state of samad and then from OUT of NO~where cam a B~A~N~G!!!! so loud!!!! it knocked me back in~tO my body, and when eye entered my entry sounded likE ssssssssssssssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiippppppPPPPPP!!! EYE SHOT BACK LIKE A BULLET!! ~ and eye was back in my body with a LOUD thud!! BUT the bang was soO loud!!! it frightened me because eye had NO reference material in any of my didactic intellectual study that had described such an experience until many years later, and IT wAs then that eye realized eye had experienced a partial enlightenment known as Kensho, but NOT Satori! eye did NOT receive Satori (complete enlightenment) until long afterwards, and its coming was so subtle eye have NO words to adequately convey! PART TWO ~ THE JOURNEY TO AND INSIDE THE GREAT PYRAMID [TELEPORTATION WARP SPEED THOUGHT THROUGH SIAM TIME MACHINE ~ TO THE SIAM ANCIENT PAST!] They say that General Napoleon Bonaparte, after viciously desecrating and annihilating, by blowing off, and completely shattering into oblivion the black African shaped nose that looked just like my grandfather’s, off the wise face of the sphinx with French army cannons, that he had the arrogant audacity to go inside the Great pyramid alone, and that when he finally emerged from his journey within this 360 degree divine circle of stone, he had turned pale as a drunken ghost pissing in his pants on a dark lonely Halloween night street in the black ghetto, and stood trembling and shaking in fear and trepidation before his army of soldiers, and that he never spoke of what he experienced within ~! And guess what?? ~ SIAM KNOWS WHY! But eye shall do you better than the historical Frenchman, Napoleon Bonaparte; eye shall NOT knock off any BLACK African noses from pyramids or SpHINX, but eye shall disclose some of my witness to power within this Great Pyramid, but not all, just some. ~ and some of the things eye wish to vouchsafe you are real, and most surely did personally happen to me on that day for three, enduring at the very center of this worlds entire mathematical land mass, LONG hours that seemed like an infinite many repetitive lifetimes encountered in the stopping and suspending of time, space, and dimension, as we have presently been taught IT to be, And what you shall hear from me concerning all of this that has been and shall NOW be writing ALL of my poems and this present composition through me to YOU ~ eye shall by the grace of the living GOD convey to you what you shall NOT find in any institution of higher learning, and eye don’t believe you will find confirmation or witness to IT in any of this worlds books, videos, or whatever ~ As eye stated previously, on December the 18th, 1975, bearing two prestigious letters of request, one from the then wonder~filled and regal dean of the Harvard Divinity School who eye know in my deepest heart when he would beam that awesome dignitary smile he had at me believed in the greatness that lay within me, dean Krister Stendhal (1922~2008), and one from the now famous professor which was there of Islamic studies, professor Jane Smith, eye approached the curator of the Great pyramid of the Giza Egyptian plain of golden grained sand, and after much explanation on my part as to why eye wanted an entire night alone inside this Grand Master building, eye was finally permitted by him three hours alone inside, between the hours of 5 pm ~ 8 pm, and eye went in under full lunar rays, for when eye emerged from that extraordinary building and such a profound experience within, the moon hung down close to the earth in the sky in a way eye had never seen her stationed before and not ever since ~ she seemed a gigantic orange yellow glowing pregnant woman taking over the entire cosmic night sky travailing in birth at a distance ~ And one could NOT see the twinkling blinking stars in her presence, for her great glowing of imminent astounding showing overwhelmed and celestially overpowered them in the blackness of the night sky above, and it seemed eye could reach out my very hands of little fingers and literally touch her, for she overwhelmed the entire sky as though she were coming down to kiss her young handsome mystic poet on this Giza plain of Egyptian night eye was situated in while in association of intimate visitation with its spectacular mathematically perfect house, eye now call, the mystical kingdom of Pyre (Fire). Many of the blocks of granite that make up the structure of this marvelous building with no mortar between them to hold them together fit so impossibly perfectly together as a (finely created and costly precision crafted French made watch) into each other, some weighing 500 tons or more, and even as one is coming by car from Cairo on his/her way to the Giza plain and first sees a beholding, visually with the physical and inner eyes of the Egyptian pyramids ~ he is captured by their stupendous majesty and architectural eloquence and genius in symmetrical immensity and immediately even at yet such far distance from them one feels like an ant in the presence of the ancient mythic poetical gods towering over him, watching him in great observation from the unseen worlds, guiding him to some unknown evolutionary place within ones inner self of consciousness and new understanding and exalted realization ~ as eye was being transported, not only did it seem as though time had stopped ~ it seemed that my very life had stopped, along with my breath, and normal thought process, for even at yet still a great distance from them and at yet such distance traveling toward them it seems that time suddenly stands still and the heavens and earth itself has stopped and that you will never arrive to your destination with them, and the very atmosphere in this journey toward them is filled with an electrifying mystery you can almost taste and smell with a part of yourself that does not have a mouth and nose within and without you that truly defies description, even though eye now inadequately attempt to write about this that eye experienced there on the Giza strip with these pyramids, especially and in particular with one of them, the Greatest ONE, and for the fist time ever have eye attempted to do so in expressive words until NOW with YOU ~ It has taken me this long to attempt such witnessing for several reasons, one of them being, who would believe me anyway if eye shared with them the experiences eye had within the great Pyramid?? like one retarded brainwashed and indoctrinated Christian preacher eye once thought valued and appreciated me, who when eye shared with him how eye met directly the living GOD on March the 7th, 1965, when eye had finished telling him my authentic encounter with my Creator on that day of my life ~ he immediately responded in slight angry shout at me by saying, well you werent talking to Jesus as a witness testimony to GOD! and eye told him NO! eye was talking to the witness and Creator of Jesus!! he then called me loudly a liar, so from that day of such emotional and spiritual wounding, after trusting to convey my spiritual and mystical experiences with the previous fitted sunglasses wearing indoctrinated religious other, and non spiritual idiots of this world, eye had stopped until now EXPRESSING SUCH THOUGHTS AND PERSONAL EXPERIENCES AT ALL? Until now, with recent daily increasing there was NO even desiring, needing, or daring to convey on my part such lofty and graced mystical experiences with others that might blaspheme and deny them, and once more, call me emphatically ~ a liar! The other of several reasons is because, some things are so sacred and are a precious private domain, and divine secret given to one from GOD that should never be conveyed to certain inwardly impure types of HU~Man Beings, for it is like my master lord (rabboni)~(Lord)~(rabbinic)) Jesus (as) said ~ “casting your pearl before the swine” ~ NO! they should NOT be conveyed unless one has a directive to do so from the ~ Lord of ALL the Worlds! As (eye) presently NOW do! For even to discuss such personal intimacy as eye had with them, and the greatest one of them (THE GREAT PYRAMID) in particular so long ago, which NOW once more seems as yesterday ~ as eye now write about such a spiritual and mystical experience in personal encounter and association eye presently feel by such describing and witnessing in my thoughts and words as though eye and my NOW present conception of things is speeding up and moving faster in my perception now of automatic GRACED (EN THEOS = enthusiasm (Gk/ en~thee~os = GOD within) ~(GOD)~ (Christ)~consciousness)), concerning my personal writing dialogue and present conceptualization; and that even speaking in learned and taught structured dialogue syntax about what eye remember in that experience my present perception is NOW being altered IN SACRED MYSTIC STATE (HAL), AND HOLY MYSTIC STATION (MAQAM) once more, even as it was when eye entered and emerged from that Great pyramid, refracting COSMIC IDEATION THROUGHOUT MY ENTIRE BEING THAT EYE DIRECTLY EXPERIENCED that night, full of OM~NI~VER~SAL COSMIC lunar and stellar rays itself, shooting, and penetrating continuously throughout my miniature microcosmic individual holy pyramid body temple, (as above, so below); and while eye speak now concerning that visit and initiation with THE (MY) Lord of ALL the Worlds while there that eye realize eye had within such awesome ACCURATE, AND PERFECT mathematical structure, eye directly know within every particle of my being that in that process of perpetual BE~ COME~ENG while there that eye was processed and AM YET STILL BEING PROCESSED AND turned into LIVING homogenized LIGHT! then, now, and continuously forever, by a forever unfolding, ongoing spiritual OPENING (FATH), AND ETERNAL EXPANSION OF BLESSED NUR MUHAMMADIA (MUHAMMADIAN (CHRIST) = (ANOINTED)) LIGHT BY WHICH ALL THINGS CAME INTO THE ONE ETERNAL GOD’S CREATIVE MANIFESTATION ~ that yet goes on endlessly AND INFINITELY EXPANDING every atomic quark second within me AND THIS OUTWARD CREATION WHICH SUUROUNDS ME each and every day by what eye experienced personally from the unseen world (al~ghaib) while there then, and endlessly NOW! AND (EYE) ALSO KNOW, because i have come to DIRECTLY know FOR MYSELF, by way of MY manifold life experiences, and myriad difficulties i have previously encountered, passed through, and have over come by HIS wondrous help in my life, that there is ~ NO power less than the power of GOD that can withstand the power of GOD! While within this Grand structure there were many times eye entered a mystic state of panoramic view ~ reviewing many personal years and manifold experiences of my own personal life’s mental, spiritual death, resurrection, and later ascension~ary development. Within the great pyramid alone for three hours at times created such a profound state in me, that in a matter of qark atomic seconds eye then, as even today when eye return to the experience of then eye yet re~vist thousand of scenes leading to my present NOW with YOU! ~ for the fist death eye had to personally experience, first symbolized there in ritual was the death of the mind and intellect’s domination and control over me, and until such a profoundly painful death occurs, there is NO! possibility of ever even seeing at a distance true reality, let alone entering such a vast and glorious Grand Gallery of extraordinary perception and immediately direct witnessing in your personal Pyramidal Kings chamber of the true OM~NI~VERSE within and without you ~ for the mystic portal is only opened to those courageous, and sincere enough to pay the awesome price of giving up, and dying to all that is false within you, and that falsity begins with all the illusions the programmed and indoctrinated intellect from all your previous experiences has made your deceptive ego believe is the only reality worth experiencing. THE GRAND GALLERY ~ A PLACE TO BEHOLD GRAND STRUGGLE, GRAND INTENT, GRAND HUMILITY, AND GRAND EXPANDING CONSCIOUSNESS My greatest theological master taught me well that, “NOT to decide is to decide” ~ therefore silence, when an answer is needed, is an absolute answer louder than SPOKEN WORD. valued by enough loudness in the student to cancel out their very loud silence of internal doubt, unbelief, and lack of trust, and most important of all, a lack of true authentic love on their part for a master teacher that cares more for them that they obviously care for themselves; very few that approach me for mystic transmission do eye accept in this western environment for direct teaching of what eye must intimately impart, and what IS imparted through SIAM can not be bought or imparted by books ~ for what they say they want from GOD in a teacher, when tested by their own lust, fleshly desires, and commonly based distractions they are NOT willing to pay the price in totality to obtain; the American culture can NOT sustain well a true mystical transmission, for the ego has been so fortified to protect its living death by any means necessary within the human being, and the soul in most individuals born and indoctrinated in this secular society has been so habitually taught by the ego rather than the ego being taught by the soul, and the instant coffee society that produces the people of this culture wishes this transmission leading to a superior GOD consciousness desires an instant coffee they can buy not even at a quality Star bucks, but on discount at Wal~Mart prices. If eye were another reverend Ike or two cent worth Mike, eye could make it easy for them on behalf of my own vested interest, but that would make me like all the other charlatans and pimp mentality preachers they are more used to and more comfortable with. When eye was personally for three long difficult hours inside the great pyramid for three mystifying hours doing and experiencing what eye did and what eye was doing, eye found it most easy to descend any descending passage ways, but profoundly excruciating to ascend in them, having to truly struggle to make any progress toward and finally to begin ascent leading to the Grand gallery, FOR IF YOU SHOULD EVEN BEHOLD SUCH GRAND DESIGN WITHIN YOUR VERY OWN BEING, SUCH AN INGREDIENT NOW KNOWN AS GREAT STRUGGLE IS A PRICE PERFECTLY REQUIRED. [TO BE CONTINUED] ~ SIAM (C) 12.13.12 ~ 1.35 AM TO MY MASTER, SERIGNE SALIOU M’BACKE Oh my father eye miss you soO much, your physicality, your subtle smile, your quiet speech, your loving compassion, your holy glance that shattered all my false desires, and ray~ing luminous light from you that blinded me to the illusion of this world, all your answered prayers that turned me inside out and transformed me into a real authentic HU (GOD)~be~eng. The days and nights are only passed now since your ascending transition but IAM happy that your are not so exhausted anymore from being de~energized by the pull and attraction in personal magnetism of so many that came and needed you ~ your perfect displacement of cosmic energy eye witnessed so many times, your every gesture, and physical movement that had and was pregnant with birthing meaning of all living creation, your oneness with everything in created manifestation surrounding you, and he way you would chuckle when you would see me coming into your presence once more to see you from nine thousand miles so far away, and when you broke into that holy smile at seeing me eye always knew that GOD himself was pleased with me. Eye never met anyone that even walked or held their hands like you, your holy scented fragrance eye yet smell in the mantle you bestowed upon me, and eye have never been the same since being touched by the Light of you ~all that you were you transferred into me, and you knew without me having to tell you ~ that you were the kind of man eye always wanted to be! Your spiritual sun, and disciple my holy living master And you can never die, Because ~ you NOW live, inside ME `SIAM~a ALL who bless this page with their divine presence ~ Please Go likemy new authors page @ facebook/pages/Rain-of-Grace-New-Selected-Poems-by-SIAM/391947264153529 For those who wish to traverse the Stations (Maqams) of my Mystic Light, please fold space to enter the emanations (9th carom) of Rain of Grace @ rainofgrace And those that wish to have an extarordinary poetical encounter can purchase my book directly createspace/3238789
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 16:30:47 +0000

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