MORE ON SUGAR!! Please take 5 to read its posted with - TopicsExpress


MORE ON SUGAR!! Please take 5 to read its posted with love. What happens when we consume it, and why does too much make us fat? Your body processes sugar rapidly. When you eat sugars, you get an initial burst of energy—the sugar hits your bloodstream almost as quickly as if you had mainlined it. Overwhelmed by this surge, the body scrambles to process it, producing insulin to transport the sugar from the bloodstream into the cells. This increase in insulin makes your blood sugar level drop. So the energy surge vanishes almost as quickly as it arrived and you crash. This process triggers the body to crave more energy. So you eat more sugar or sugary carbohydrates to get the energy high again. A vicious cycle of craving, eating, and crashing begins. If the cell has all of the fuel it needs, then insulin will carry off the excess glucose to be stored as fat. Over time you can develop insulin resistance, which makes your body less effective at regulating blood sugar levels, and affects your ability to use stored fat as energy. It’s important to note that we DONT PUT ON WEIGHT OR GET FAT FROM FAT,we gain weight when we eat sugar which causes insulin levels to rise. When insulin levels are high, we build up fat in fat tissue and when insulin levels drop, we release fat from fatty tissue and burn it for energy. An increase in insulin levels also release pro-inflammatory molecules in the body leading to inflammation in general. Also when you have a sugar crash, it puts enormous stress on your other hormones, too. Your adrenal glands need to kick in and release cortisol, a steroid-like substance, to help lift you back up. Over time, your adrenal glands exhaust themselves trying to regulate your fluctuating sugar levels. Too much cortisol at the wrong times can initiate an inflammatory process that triggers chronic disease, including diabetes, arthritis, allergies, and some forms of cancer. And an excess of cortisol in your system is also linked to weight gain. To balance your blood sugar levels, you’ll want to avoid the whites (white sugar and flour), processed foods, breads, pastries, pasta, soda, juice, and even eating too many grains, as all of these will trigger high insulin levels. I BELIEVE THE ADVICE TO EAT LESS FAT (including saturated fat),WHICH SPAWNED THE WHOLE LOW FAT MOVEMENT, MAY BE THE BIGGEST REASON BEHIND TODAYS EPIDEMICS OF OBESITY AND DIABETES. The key is to lower insulin levels and to secrete less insulin in general and that means eat less sugar! In short, if insulin levels are elevated, we will gain weight and become inflamed and trigger all sorts of diseases.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 10:54:22 +0000

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