MORE ON THE CONSERVATIVE F*CKTARD IN CHIEF: Hehehehehe well apparently now Glenn Beck is now referring to OAS as Marxism so lets let him have it. MAKE THIS VIRAL PEOPLE !. The Private Banks, their Criminal Corporate Government, Glenn Beck and every single Political Party are continually referring to anything which does not protect the right of a thief to steal as Communism. This notwithstanding the fact that Communism is simply only and nothing other than the final evolution of so called Free Market Capitalism where the Private Banks that own the Capitalist Money establish the power through the Corporate Government they have bought with it, to keep what they have stolen with it once the people have nothing left for them to steal. We do all know that the Bolshevik Revolution was financed by the Schiff Banking family under the direction of the Rothschilds and that the same Parasites who own Glenn Beck, ALL of our Political Parties and our Criminal Corporate Government and who have enslaved us with fraudulent, illegal, unconstitutional. counterfeit Private Bank Debt, also owned Lenin and all of Communism lock stock and barrel, yes ?. Whats insane about this, is that once we establish a legitimate and functioning WEALTH based PUBLIC system of trade for our productive efforts, securing in full, the natural right of the creator to trade and keep the benefits of his/her own creation, the free public benefits necessitated by the need to inject new currency into the system to allow the purchase of new economic growth and technological development, will be far in excess of the costs of maintaining public services, will far exceed any little pittance received by those living off any public benefits today, can come to everyone (above and beyond what they earn) and at cost to no one, being created by people like me when we increase our ability to create wealth for others, forcing the creation of new purchasing power to match. Yet not one single political party wants to acknowledge this and every single political party adamantly objects to such a thing, choosing instead to play the ENVY of IDIOTS against themselves, making them think that their own prosperity can only come at the expense of someone else, where the only such benefit comes from the crimes of a thief. Thieves like the Private Banks that own Glenn Beck and every single one of the Political Parties, who create absolutely nothing and can only sustain themselves by the theft of another persons wealth and productive effort with profit from money, who are responsible for 98 % of all the suffering and misery which has been inflicted on humanity for centuries and are the physical embodiment of Satan on this earth. Thankfully there are a few of us who can actually THINK and figure out that our own prosperity is directly contingent on others having the prosperity to obtain what we can create for them and that if we steal from anyone we must inevitably be stealing from ourselves. Enough of us to finally make the very worst nightmare of this miserable Parasitic Infection into a reality, who have spent many centuries dreading the day when any population would discover what they can accomplish without them. We will send the Bankers to the gates of Hell where they can be united with the Banker in Chief. (ANON).
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 11:08:47 +0000

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