MORE REFORMS ON LEGAL FRAMEWORK IS NEEDED. THANK YOU MR PRESIDENT FOR THE DIRECTION KENYA IS NOW TAKING- BE FIRM AND LET GOD TAKE FULL CONTROL I look forward for a day when all Political meeting and Rallies in Kenya will be done on Tele-conferencing- It will save poor Kenyans money and time. Just causing these reforms soon will be a legacy by Vision 2030. Vision 2030 need to be reviewed from time to time. There is need to see whether there are new revelations coming up with Kenyans and which can be included in it. All human activities are not always perfect. Democracy in Africa and Politics is actually going digital. The analogue will be the marginalized. If I get a chance to fly to parliament my first Motion and Bill to present would be to set Digital sites in every Constituency and set lite machines for Political arena and forum. Kenyans have been impoverished and Kenya has lost many lives on physical appearances to political Rallies. We are moving to a point where the president will speak to the nation from the statehouse and if he has to go to the public with his cabinet it will only be on unveiling of important government projects as the pilot programs. I hate political rallies and violence they cause in Kenya. Political rallies must now be regulated again with new laws being legislated and old ones getting repealed from the constitution. The Constitution has areas in need of reforms to be effected on it that were not clearly seen when we voted the document at the Referendum and we promulgated the Law on August 27, 2010. I thank God this is the Vision I have for Kenya. I may not directly implement it but will make sure that it lands on your desk soon at Harambee house for action. In your able leadership for Jubilee Government, I hope that Kenyans are happy to embrace the repealing of cash payments on public transport and happily welcome the digital T-Cards in the Public Transport systems? This is real and timely reforms taking place in Kenya. Kenyans need more education on reforms taking place from time to time. Most of us may not be aware that Kenya by 2030 is going digital on all forms of transaction by look of things. Those who think that nothing is being done will accept the change as change takes place on them. On these Super Highways like Thika Mr President, Kenyans may not be aware that they will not drive free for sometime because we shall be levied a fee to surface the loan. It is a worth course, But, let this not be so much inflated on domestic items through taxation. Let us pay it on roads because we will not die but we will live to travel on roads. Perhaps Mr President , I may want to say it clearly here because it is on my page, or am a rightful member if am not blocked soon, WE KENYANS MUST EMBRACE REFORM AGENDA TO PUT THINGS RIGHT. BUT THIS HAS TO BE DONE BY US ALL WHEN WE ARE SOBER AND NOT DRUNK WITH INTOXICATED DRINKS. WE CAN AVOID SOME UNNECESSARY TALKS THAT FUEL DIVISIONS ON ETHNIC LINE .It will begin with you and me as Kenyans embracing each other as children of one family-KENYA. We cannot see you behave differently and allow you to go astray or watch you use manipulative schemes on Tribal basis...we shall shout on you and you will be ashamed and stop. If you do not stop we shall use other ways to discipline you. Kenyans love peace, Order and we love obeying the law. And you guys! Please let you not get yourself into these foolish rhetoric! just find something to do and watch them after work on TV..It will always be replayed. If I were you ,I would subscribe to KE 24 or CITIZEN TV. You know why, they give sieved politics. I doubt others because they use good news version english. Critics use KING JAMES VERSION. WISHING KENYANS A MEANINGFUL AND FULFILLING PRAYER DAY AT UHURU PARK THIS AFTERNOON.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 09:59:43 +0000

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