MORNING TEA: Matt. 7:17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth - TopicsExpress


MORNING TEA: Matt. 7:17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit I have discovered that fruitfulness is a product of your being and not a product of your doing. What you are is what determines the fruit you bear as against what you do. A lots are concerned about what to do to be fruitful at the expense of what to be to be fruitful. But according the scripture above, your fruit is the replica of who you are. If you are good, youll bear good fruit irrespective of what you do and vise versa. Beloved, good fruits are the proofs of Gods hand upon you and evil fruits are also the proof of Satans hand upon you. The one you bear determines the source of it - God or Devil! It is my prayer that your fruits will be proofs of Gods faithfulness in Jesus Name. You will agree with me that the soil on which a tree is planted determines to a large extent what fruits it bears. If the soil is fertile, it will bring forth healthy and good fruits. This implies that your association determines your fruitfulness. This is because, your association is what describes your environment. So, to ensure healthy and good fruits that will abide, mind the association you keep. He that walks with the wise ones shall be wise but a companion of fools shall end in destruction-(Prov 13:20). It is therefore, wisdom to associate yourself with fruitful men/women. Their way of life that brings them to a lime light will naturally rub on you. This is wisdom and a food for thought! Good morning!!!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 05:59:26 +0000

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