MOTHERS DAY Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may - TopicsExpress


MOTHERS DAY Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. – Exodus 20:12 (KJV) It is important for each of us to care for our mothers. Not only is this mandated in the Law of Moses, but it is also something that Jesus practiced Himself. Moments before Jesus died on the cross, He made arrangements to ensure that His mother would be properly cared for after His death. The apostle John wrote: “When Jesus saw His mother standing there beside me, His close friend, He said to her, ‘He is your son.’ And to me He said, ‘She is your mother!’ And from then on I took her into my home.” – John 19:26,27 (Living Bible) Sons should never be hesitant in expressing love to their mothers and should not be embarrassed to say, “I love you, Mum.” Likewise, husbands should do the same for their wives. Some men say, “I’m just not comfortable expressing my feelings.” To those men I say, “It’s time to get uncomfortable!” Years ago, when the census was taken, if a woman indicated that she was a stay-at-home mother or homemaker, then she would be classified as having “no occupation.” In my opinion, such a classification is completely ridiculous. While we still have many stay-at-home mothers, we also have many women who work double duty, working both a full-time job and fulfilling the duties of a homemaker. Although the Census Bureau now recognizes homemaking as an occupation, many regressive thinkers still consider it to mean “no occupation.” She Has No Occupation by Elsie Duncan Yale She rises up at break of day, And through her tasks she races, She cooks the meal as best she may, And scrubs the childrens faces; While schoolbooks, lunches, ribbons, too, All need consideration. And yet the census man insists She has no occupation. When breakfast dishes are all done, She bakes a pudding, maybe; She cleans the rooms up, one by one, With one eye watching baby; The mending pile she then attacks, By way of variation. And yet the census man, insists She has no occupation. She irons for a little while, Then presses pants for daddy; She welcomes with a cheery smile Returning lass and laddie. A hearty dinner next she cooks (No time for relaxation). And yet the census man insists She has no occupation. For lessons that the children learn, The evening scarce is ample; To mother dear they always turn For help with each example. In grammar and geography She finds her relaxation. And yet the census man insists She has no occupation. I wonder, did any of those census collectors have a mother? Of course, every one had a mother, but it is hard to understand the mindset of people who don’t recognize the importance of motherhood. I agree with the mother who wrote that she looked on child rearing not only as a labor of love, but also as a profession that was fully as interesting and challenging as any honorable profession in the world, and one that demanded the best that she could offer. Child rearing is the single most important occupation in the world. Let’s thank God for blessing us with mothers! HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO ALL OUR WONDERFUL MOTHERS AND GRANDMOTHERS! Blessings, Beverley Carter
Posted on: Thu, 08 May 2014 22:44:18 +0000

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