MR.TONY ABBOTT THE NEW AUSTRALIA PM SUGGESTIONS TO STOP PEOPLE SMUGGLERS. "Very interesting about the suggestion by Mr Abbott that Australia would buy old fishing boats and pay village wardens to ‘dob in’ people smugglers"; As a matter of fact our chairman Mr.Ferdi Tanoni about 8 or 9 years a go wrote the letter to both the Australian Federal and the Northern Territory Governments and proposed to the Australian and Indonesian Governments to set up what he called "AUSTRALIA INDONESIA JOINT FISHING ZONE" its like a buffer zone for the Australian and Indonesian fishermen fished in the Timor Sea. More than that,Mr.Tanoni added that a very positive,simple and not complicated steps that both the Australian and Indonesian fishermen be equipped with modern communication technology to become as "THE EYES AND THE EARS" for both Governments for the Illegal fishers from third countries and also to give an early information or warning on the people smuggling. Recently in Jakarta,Mr,Tanoni on his press statements that the West Timor Care Foundation Group which is very close and have a strong influence to the Indonesian coastal communities and fishermen might, like to cooperate with the Governments to stop or at least reduced the people smugglers in to Australia.....But,Mr.Tanoni ask the willingness of the Australian Government cooperate and settle THE MONTARA 2009 TIMOR SEA OIL SPILL DISASTER,first.... Cheers Leo
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 16:25:10 +0000

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