MRU-GRC’S FAIL TO PASS THE BUDGET; MISS MUTEESA IS OUT OF IT. The debate on MRU-GRC’s budget by cabinet minister and GRC’s kicked off on Wednesday 4th-sept-2013. Speaker Omaido Simon peter addressed the issue of Miss Muteesa beauty contest to be in the budget has it was last year during Birenda’s regime (D.P),but the finances minister Hon.Titto didn’t agree with him “we have no money to waste on that” Titto Said, “miss MRU is one’s business “ mugoya Isac(minister) added. MRU parliament is full of rats and bats which cause odour that is why the cabinet sits near AR’s office this means that the parliament must be renovated but nobody addressed that issue they instead concentrated more on their sitting allowances. Other items were not passed but their allowances were passed as follow:-Guild president 50,000sh, V.P 20, 000, speaker 20,000shs, General secretary 20, 000, cabinet ministers 15,000shs and GRC 10,000shs they will be getting this amount money whenever they sit in the parliament. Cabinet ministers showed greed because instead of signing 15,000shs they signed 20,000shs this was done when all other members had moved out of the parliament. GRC’s and cabinet ministers were poorly dressed, MRU parliament Kirumba masaka has 36 seats, 30 seats were occupied but out of 30 GRC’s who were present only ten were dressed decently, Mutebi Shafic (GRC for guidance) was in ‘Aniigiina’ but nobody in the parliament minded about it. Others in the estimated Budget are Cultural Gala, Fresher’s ball, Sports and the Royal Publication but Mru Journalists are out of it.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 21:58:55 +0000

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