MS: Do you consider spending your vacation in Romania? - TopicsExpress


MS: Do you consider spending your vacation in Romania? Please think again! The next video will give you quite a good idea about what kind of images you will come to face during your vacation in Romania. If after watching this video, you are still inclined to visit Romania... we wish you a nice holiday. You can be assured that it will be an unforgettable experience. If you have decided to rethink your country-choice or if you have already decided to spend your hard earned money in another country, in a country that is NOT cruel to animals, we would invite you to please take a moment and to sign Occupy for Animals petition to the Romanian Tourism Board and other officials informing them that you will NOT visit their country because you have come to know of their horrific mistreatment of animals, and that you will encourage others not to visit either until Romania changes its ways, and we thank you very much, in advance, for your signature. Visit Romania... and LIVE your worst nightmare! Romania might be a beautiful country but so are many others. The difference is that the others offer a just and humane society not a government promoted inhumane, violent and unsymathetic society which seeks to enact its confusion at its own societal malaise by attacking... no, eradicating the weakest and innocent in its society. Those who are simply symptoms of the mismanaged, socially broken, emotionally distorted entity that is called Romania. Romania IS beautiful... and there are very many wonderful and good people living in Romania like everywhere else under sun. But considering all the latest events, it seems justified to ask: Why would anyone want to come to such a land? But in the ever darkening night that is the country of Romania, there still burn many beacons of hope lit by those incredible animal welfare supporters, activists, volunteers and animal lovers who are challenged by a government of self-interest and a wider population conditioned and directed. For keeping the dream alive, we offer unreserved thanks to all who believe that a better day will come for the people and animals of Romania and we would offer our sincere apologies to any who have taken offence at what is written here. For all those who KNOW how it is, there are many across the European continent who do NOT know. We hope that this page will help them to build up an informed opinion about a very complex and complicated situation, and that they can make their own decisions! For more information on Romania Tourism, please visit: and to learn more about the brave of Romania, please see: exposing-aspa/
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 22:54:29 +0000

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