[MSG] Sooyoung From Instagram 141231 [訊息] 秀英 Instagram - TopicsExpress



[MSG] Sooyoung From Instagram 141231 [訊息] 秀英 Instagram 留言 141231 1. #MBCDramaAwards Thank you for a dream-like time ^_^ ❤ Very pretty gold dress @pd2da Thank you 👍 #SeoSooKyung #Novia 2. My joyful and happy heart is also heavy and scared at the same time.. but my happy heart is slightly bigger.. Im happy because I feel like my award is a response, albeit small, to everyone who believed in me. Even though I cant confidently tell you that your belief wasnt misplaced, Im thankful just for being given the chance to work harder and to be able to show potential.. Please watch over me for a bit longer. 2014 was a very happy year thanks to My Spring Days. Thank you to our sheeps (fandom name for My Spring Days) and viewers. ❤ 3. Sunny unni, did you really have to take a picture like this? #HousePhoto #BigHead #WhatIsThis #ForaPhotoSheSentSayingCongratulations #ImportantThingIsItsNotAwkward @svnnynight 1. #mbc演技大賞# 像夢一樣的時間 非常感謝^_^ 常漂亮的金色禮服@/pd2da 謝謝你[good]#徐書京# #novia# 2. 高興和感謝的同時,雖然也有負擔和恐懼.. 但是高興的心情還是更多的.. 讓相信我的各位看到我得獎的樣子,也算小小的報答了。 雖然現在不能自信的說已經是完全的了,但如果能給我更加努力的機會可能性會更感謝的..請再關注我. 2014年 托我人生的春天的福而變成如此幸福的一年。羊群們,感謝大家收看 3.sunny姐姐,一定要這麼拍照片嗎?#家拍 #大頭照 #這是什麼啊 #明明說恭喜我這什麼鬼照片 #重要的是竟然如此和諧 @/svnnynight scontent-b.cdninstagram/hphotos-xaf1/t51.2885-15/10852708_855645784496219_1023813621_n.jpg scontent-b.cdninstagram/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/10852784_608509212627675_1121022761_n.jpg scontent-b.cdninstagram/hphotos-xaf1/t51.2885-15/10899396_317452821785569_71666933_n.jpg Trans. CHI.飽貓007 ENG.SonexStella Cr. Instagram Via 9s
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 17:43:07 +0000

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