MULLIGANS STATEMENT: After the many news reports, concerning - TopicsExpress


MULLIGANS STATEMENT: After the many news reports, concerning Mulligans, I have decided to issue the following statement. If each of you are so inclined, please share this statement on your page so that the residents can have the right information pertaining to Mulligans. Background: There was a Forest City study that was ordered years ago, but was only released to the public on Wednesday. While the study does, in fact, deal with one large area, there are actually three separate issues being considered. They are: 1) The TOD / Front-runner Station area 2) Mulligans Golf and Games 3)The Jordan River wildlife area and trails (20+ acres) I would like to give some clarity to what is being considered in each of these cases. First, the Front-runner Station area (TOD) currently has an application on the table (awaiting a vote) for a 300 unit four-story high-rise apartment complex. The area is currently zoned commercial-freeway, but had a future land use indication of Mixed Use TOD. On April 15th, the city council will have to decide whether to approve this zone change. I understand that this vote is a complex one to be made. On the one hand, we have had many high-density units already built in the city, on the other hand, this location is next to a front-runner station and could benefit by some kind of increase in residential traffic. I can see both sides, but have taken the position that the spot should remain zoned commercial. Second, the Mulligans golf and games area. After a conversation with Mayor Money, I was informed that the area was purchased by South Jordan so that the city and residents could control how it would be developed. There was an interest by South Valley Sewer to use the site for a raw-sewage treatment plant. This option was deemed unacceptable by the residents as they protested the idea in droves. And so, Mulligans was purchased by the city, awaiting the right opportunity to come along that would be a benefit to the entire city. It was never intended to remain a permanent city golf course. Is the golf-course self-sustaining? Only if you dont count the 10M the land cost the city, AND the water the city provides for free. So basically, no. Mulligans operates at great expense for the city. During the election, I made the case that cities shouldnt own golf courses. Its really not fair to compete with privately owned golf courses. At worst, its socialized recreation. You can read my stance on mulligans in the following link (I have had this posted for about a year now) lowersjtaxes/#!principles/c4vk It is my desire that when and if Mulligans is developed, that public input be sought after. Any considered changes to Mulligans should be viewed as an upgrade for the area. I am certainly not in favor of putting high-density housing there, nor is the council interested in HD. In most of the conversations I have listened to, the council has made it clear that the area have park space, and green space. This decision will be vetted by the public as we will have open houses and public hearings. There are no pending plans for Mulligans. The money recovered from Mulligans will be re-invested in larger parks and green-space for the city. (more on this to come). But we are really looking for a win-win. We want to bring something attractive to the city, as well as beautify the rest of the city without raising taxes. Third, The Jordan River Wildlife area: There are 20-40 acres of river wildlife area and trails that will be preserved. We wont touch these areas. Some of the Save Mulligans folks have inferred that we want to pave paradise, when in fact, a great deal of the land is not develop-able. It will remain wetlands and rivers. The city is working with the county to improve the trails along the river which will connect many cities. Dont believe the hype. Developing Mulligans would not destroy nature or wildlife. Its my desire to involve the public in every step of this process. The TOD/ Front-runner area is on the table first, while Mulligans is a ways off. Please feel free to comment here and to call or email your city council members with any questions you may have concerning this study. We are each committed to listening first, and then coming together to make a decision that we think best serves our residents. Thanks for reading, and please comment, but keep remarks respectful. -Mayor Dave Alvord sltrib/sltrib/politics/57765774-90/alvord-apartments-course-development.html.csp?page=1
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 14:14:51 +0000

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