MUST READ!!! ANSWERS TO FALSE ACCUSATION: ISLAM AND TERRORISM(PART 1): The Muslims today are facing many challenges. Among these challenges are the religious,prosaic, and political attacks on Islam. One of the reasons for these attacks is to prevent people from knowing the fact about Islam,which these Attackers describe as the religion of savagery and paganism,wrongs women, kills the innocents, the enemy of civilization, and instils hatred without the least scientific or logical reasoning.ISLAM AND TERRORISM:Allah(sw) sent prophet Muhammad(pbuh) to the world as a bearer of Glad tidings and a Warner,describing Him(pbuh) as a merciful man.Allah(sw) says:We sent you not,but as a Mercy for all creatures.(Quran,21:107). Verily, now hath come unto you an apostle(prophet Muhammad(pbuh)) from amongst yourselves: It grieves Him that you should perish: ardently anxious is he over you:to the Believers is he most kind and merciful.(Quran,9:128). Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) is the mercy of Allah(sw) to humanity, and Allah(sw) did confer a great favour over on humanity by sending him(pbuh),for he(pbuh) eliminated the hatred and many other negativisms, which many societies have suffered. And remember with gratitude Allahs favour on you; for you were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, you became brethren, and you were on the brink of pit of fire, and He saved you from it. Thus do Allah make His signs clear to you:that you may be guided.(Quran,3:103).Allah(sw) describes His final Book - The Holy Quran- as a mercy and healer for the people ,:O mankind, there has come to you a direction from your Lord and healing for the (diseases) in your hearts, and for those who believe, a guidance and a Mercy.(Quran,10:57). These are clear evidences to men and a Guidance and Mercy to those of assured faith.(Quran,45:20). Mercy , as it is Allah(sw),His prophets(pbut), and His Books property, and also the characteristics of the men of faith, for Allah(sw) will pour Mercy, upon merciful people of His servants. Prophet(pbuh) said.:Allah(sw) will not give Mercy to the person who are not merciful to people.(Bukhari(7376),Muslim(2319)). And whoever practices this great attitude is among the happy people on the day of Judgement.Then will he be of those who believe and enjoins patience,(constant, and self-restraints), and enjoins deeds of kindness and compassion. Such are the companion of the Right hand.(Quran,90:17-18).Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) commanded Muslims to be merciful when dealing with each other,dealing with others, and even with animals.His words(pbuh) that were mentioned aboveWhoever is not merciful to people meant to be merciful to everyone, regardless race, color or religion. An example of the mercy of the Muslims to non-Muslims is giving them charity when they are in need. Abou Obaid reported that some Muslims had relatives and in-laws from non- Muslims tribes(QURAIDA and AL-NADIR). These Muslims were cautious in giving charity to those non- Muslim relatives, hoping that they would revert to Islam, then Allah(sw) revealed the following verse:It is not required of you(prophet Muhammad(pbuh)),to set (guide) them the right path, but Allah set on the right path whom He pleases. Whatever of good you give benefits your own souls.(Quran,2:272).Muslims mercy includes the captives of the non-Muslim soldiers. Abu Razin said:While I was with Sufian bin Salama, some of the prisoners passed by.He asked me to give them charity and recited this Quranic verseAnd they feed, for the love of Allah,the indigent(poor), the orphans and the captives(Quran,76:8)(Al-Amwaal,1321&1862, authenticated by Al-bany in Tamam Al-Mennah1/389)) . Abu Aziz ibn Omair said:I was with the prisoners in BADER, The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) said:Take good care of the prisoners.I was with a group from ANSAR( The Supporters), who used to eat the dates and give me the bread performing what prophet Muhammad(pbuh) had commanded them to do.(Tabaraani,18410,Al-Haithami saidgood traced in Majmaa azzawaed,6/86). If Islam is the religion of mercy, how could some people describe it as the religion of Terrorism and cruelty, justifying that by what The great Holy Quran mentions about preparing oneself and being ready to fight the enemies, even by sacrificing oneself for the ones religion, country, self, and people. The mercy of Islam is not surrender or kneeling to the enemy, it is not humiliation and accepting the wrong, but it is the mercy and capability of the powerful to protect his right from enemies. Indeed the Holy Quran orders Muslims to fight, but there is an abundant difference between fighting and killing, and between Terrorism and fighting hard in Allahs cause. Terrorism is targeting the weak, the incapable and the innocent, and that-in Islam-is one great and horrible crime.The Holy Quran describes Pharaoh as one of the perpetrators of this crime and a dictator, for; he killed the weak and the children among the Jews. Truly Pharaoh elated(exalted) himself in the land and broke up its people into sections, depressing a small group among them:Their sons he slew, but he kept alive their females:for he was indeed a maker of mischief.(Quran,28:4). Warning of following the morals of dictators and criticizing them, the Holy Quran describes the deeds of crime, and reports that Allah(sw) dislikes them. And seek not (occasions for) mischief in the land:for Allah loves not those who do mischief.(Quran,28:77) and When he turns his back, His aim everywhere is to spread mischief through the earth and destroys crops and cattle.But Allah loves not mischief.(Quran,2:205).In Islam killing the innocent soul is a terrible crime, and is considered the killing of all humans.If anyone slew a person-unless it is be for murder or for spreading the mischief in the land-it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people.(Quran,5:32). In many verse in the Holy Quran, Allah(sw) forbids killing except by right-punishment after fair Judgement. Allah(SW) says,Take not a life , which Allah has made sacred, except by way of justice and law.(Quran,6:151) and (Quran,17:33), and describes the men of faith as they.Invoke not,with Allah, any other god, nor slay such life as Allah has made sacred except for just cause.(Quran,25:68). Whoever kills an innocent soul crumbles his/her faith.Prophet Muhammad(saw) said:Men of faith will remain true faithful believers unless they commit murder.(Bukhari,6862).Abdullah bin Omar, the prophet(pbuh) companion, said,One of the biggest dilemmas, which the person will never be able to settle, is killing an innocent person.(Bukhari,6863).The forbidding of killing innocent person is not only for killing a Muslim, but also for killing the non- Muslims, who is not participant in the war. This is clear from prophet Muhammads warning to the person who kills the non-Muslim innocent person.He(pbuh) said:whosoever kills a person who is in truce and covenant with Muslims, will never smell the Paradise,even though its smell can reach a distance of forty years of walking.(Bukhari,3166).These innocent non-Muslims have covenants and the promises from Allah(sw) and His Messenger(saw), and any Muslim who breaches this covenant deserves punishment.Not only does Islam forbid the killing of non- Muslim, but also forbids humiliating and harming them,their rights and their properties. Prophet Muhammad(pbuh), who is the mercy to humanity, will debate with Muslims, who committed these wrongs, on the day of Judgement, and he(pbuh) will be their opponent.He(pbuh) said:Whosoever wrongs, take something in compulsion, or does not fulfill the right of a person, who is in truce and covenants with Muslims, will be my opponent(on debate) on the day of Judgement.(Abu Dawood(3052), An-Nasai(2749), approved by Albany in sahih Abu Dawood,(2626)). IN SHA ALLAH PROCEED TO PART 2
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 03:34:20 +0000

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