MUST READ TESTIMONY: LADY BROUGHT OUT OF COMMA They brought her around 09:00 hours, she had been unconscious - in a comma, since yesterday 17:00 hours. I ministered to her, the poor devils manifested, and her eyes opened. The Lord told me It is done. Our music ministers and the Living Epistles Music Team had to use the room, so they took her outside. After some minutes, i was told she waved goodbye and her eyes went up and she convulsed. When i went to see her outside, there was no movement, her body was lifeless, i rebuked the spirit of death until some movement was noticed. I left her because the Lord told me your job is done, some people remained praying for her, they prayed and prayed until the music ministers were through using the room, brought her inside and prayed, still she was not fully restored. In my room i tried to go out and minister to her one more time, the Lord forbade me, He said, Have i not told you that your job is done and that the young lady is fine? Pray for NOS instead, i tried to pray for her several times, but the Lord kept on rebuking me. I had to submit to His word. I told bro Elijah (he was praying for her together with mum) to tell her mother that the child is well, they should go home and should come and testify at the NIGHT OF THE SPIRIT. Guess what? He did what i told him, and they followed the instruction, about hour after they reached home, her father called me with good news; he said she is awake and talking now. Wow! Glory to God! Dont miss NIGHT OF THE SPIRIT. Haha, its going to be out of this world. Many mind blowing miracles are happening, and greater works than these shall be done on this great night. The venue is Lady Diana Hall, opp Total filling station, Los Angels Road, Kanyama Site & services. Friday 28, November, 20:00 to 05:30.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 18:44:48 +0000

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