MUST READ TO THE END TO SEE WHO SURPRISED ME! A year ago I closed my business and decided that I was going to spend more time with the family and clean up the 7 years of house junk build up. After experiencing being a domestic goddess for the past year, I found that my house still looks like a war zone so I changed my focus in life. Four months ago I decided that I was going to focus on project Cathy and try to drop some pounds but this takes away from my domestic goddess duties. I still am working on project me but I also want to work hard at making my family and friends feel better about their lives as well. Today I think I did an outstanding job at that! At 12;30pm today, I heard a knock on my back door which made me literally scream as I was standing right there and did not see them. I was in my ugly workout clothes and hair clipped up. Too bad they did not come 5 minutes earlier as they would have caught me in pjs and no bra. As luck has it, I just got done staging my house for unexpected house guests. Three baskets of laundry were in my kitchen, wet shirts hung over my hubbys recliner (what isnt that what it is used for?) and 2 sinks full of dirty dishes. I was also so glad that it was a sunny the sunbeams were shinning in my family room, it only accentuated the 2 inches of dust bunnies and the cob web that hangs from the 2nd story ceiling to the fireplace mantel. Cob web just adds to the Halloween effect right! My cousin had to use the upstairs rest room-even better. My vacuum is sitting in the hallway next to a pile of chew bones for the dogs. The vacuum has been sitting there for 3 days just waiting for unexpected guests, thank god you finally came so I can vacuum when you leave. Towel left hung over tub with daughters play fake nails on the counter, and blue toothpaste in the sink--staged to perfection. No toilet paper in that bathroom, so she had to go in my master bathroom. Oh good, I staged that room real good. She had to walk past a bed with 3 unmatched blankets on it and not made. A white floor with black hairs from my shedding head and my rottweilers and a burgundy rug in a tan and powder blue bathroom (great decor choice)! In my defense, I am in the process of switching over the colors...slowly...very slowly! Yes folks this really happened to me today! If you have any doubts, ask Ann Marie and Krista as they were the ones who stopped by today to ask me to lunch! I had to regretfully decline as I must make more staged messes in case more unexpected guests drop by! I did my job well as I am sure they feel terrific knowing that there is someone out there worst off....ME! Please do not visit tonight as I have vacuumed and am now showered and looking lovely again! Thanks ladies it was such a great surprise and I truly do look forward in your next surprise visit as well as anyone else who wishes to feel great about their lives! All are welcome, just BYOBF! Bring your own Blind fold!
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 19:03:35 +0000

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