???????????MUST READ - TopicsExpress


???????????MUST READ SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On september 28th i challenged everyone i know to spend 1 hour each day enlightening themselves. I doubt many have watched the videos i have been posting. Because it isnt some cute kitten a dog, or a cute baby. Its real world stuff and you dont make time for it, however it effects your life in every faucet. Just because you ignore it, doesnt make it disappear. The world we live in is on a path to our destruction. I dont ask you to believe me, or trust me, i ask you to research learn see, and make decisions based from your opinion. Our government is controlled by the worlds elite, mainly the rothschild family. Go and look at my facebook, and read some of the quotes by their family. From gutle rothschild (died in 1849) 165+ years ago said this, if my sons did not want war, there would be none. Here is jeff rothschild enjoy, in order to finalize the new world order process we need a 3rd world war to exterminate 90% of the global population. This will resolve the problem of human overpopulation, as well as put an end to civil disobedience. we will then proceed to automize industry and create a globalized feudalist system in the name of saving our planet. He said this just recently! These people are the worst criminals EVER, hitler stalin are saints compared to these scum bags. In 1980 the Georgia guide stones were put up, no one knows who commissioned this. There are 10 guides, 1. maintain population under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. This means 1 in 13 gets to live, and who is to say who? Many very rich people have said this same thing of depopulation the earth. so understand this, they are not going to kill off each other or their friends and their families. They are going to kill of you and yours, and most likely WELL under 500 million people so that the level can rise up over the next few hundred years. so a better guess would be well under 100 million. They have been harvesting peoples sperm eggs for decades. The secret societies have infiltrated the American government, and they are now directing it towards their own ultimate goals, not ours. Everything you see on the tv media, is carefully controlled. The rich elites own so you wont see or hear anything bad. If you only watch 1 video i post make it this one. this one explains a lot! share it send it to everyone you know. If this doesnt wake you up then well i dont know what to say to you. If you do not stand up and join in, the future the elites are pushing for will not be stopped. We are the worlds last hope. I have created this as a guide to stop them, its called American Citizens Act 101, Ill post it after this. It is my attempt to stop the government peacefully, and i give it freely to anyone to use. What i recommend, if you agree, print a copy sign it, send copies to the government, everyone of the branches. And tell other people whats going to happen. You better start getting active the events coming will effect us, we will see them. If you dont act the 3rd world war will occur. And the quote by jeff rothschild will happen. If we act fast enough, we can send these people to jail forever, take back America. The power is within you me, us, all of us combined. Divided we fall. lets spread information while we can, before we cant.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 22:33:12 +0000

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