MY CONTRACT: DON’T SIGN THEIRS. MAKE THEM SIGN YOURS. THEIR CONTRACT IS DESIGNED BY 40 LAWYERS TO COVER THEIR ASSES. ITS NOT FOR YOUR PROTECTION. IF THEY WON’T SIGN YOUR CONTRACT AND YOU NEED SERVICE, FIND SOMEBODY WHO WILL. THEY HAVE COMPETITORS… Posted on July 26, 2013 by jcarroll CLICK HERE AND COPY: My Contract Posted in Writing | Leave a comment | Edit GENERAL SESSIONS COURTS: QUESTIONS THAT WERE ENGENDERED IN MY MIND AFTER MY ENCOUNTER WITH GENERAL SESSIONS COURTS AND THE PLUMBING COMPANY “ROTO ROOTER” AND OTHER PAST OBSERVATIONS OF GENERAL SESSIONS COURTS… Posted on July 17, 2013 by jcarroll Are General Sessions Courts just rubber stamps for collection agents, land lords, and unscrupulous business people? Have you ever been to a general session’s court and seen how they operate? Do the lawyers stand in line and wait their turn with their binders full of detainer warrants waiting for the judge to rubber stamp their claim? Do these lawyers remind you of little kids waiting to sit on Santa Clause’s lap at Christmas time waiting on an uncontested gift from the judge? Do these lawyers stand around with their Bluetooths around their necks and playing with their ipads and fantasizing about being a “Perry Mason” or a “Johnny Cochran?” Why do these judges let the lawyers go first while making the other people wait until the lawyers have been given their Christmas presents? Is that fair? Isn’t it illegal for a judge to grant wholesale judgments without any proof? Do these lawyers seem to have no shame, because they get paid whether they win or lose? Why does the court not accommodate people with handicaps? In the day of modern technology, wouldn’t it be simple to accommodate people with a hearing problem? Isn’t a person supposed to hear or be able to read the charges or claims against him and be able to face his accuser? Why shouldn’t the bottom end of the court system (the general session’s court) be the proper place to start if one wanted to reform the judicial system? Where do you take your grievance when you have been wronged by an honorable judge? Where did judges obtain the title of “honorable judge?” Is it a throwback from the middle ages, when the allodial system of property was in effect? Do all the lawyers and judges of General Session’s Court sleep in the same bed, drink out of the same water bucket with the same dipper, and urinate and crap in the same out-house; except that the judge has his own private toilet? Why are all of these lawyers so thin-skinned? Why shouldn’t attorney/client privilege mean that the attorney not be allowed to discuss a case, even with another lawyer without the client being present; in order to avoid lawyers from making deals that benefit them instead of their clients? THE AMERICAN DREAM OF THE VAST MAJORITY OF AMERICANS IS NOT TO BE A MILLIONAIRE, BUT TO HAVE THE 30 ESSENTIALS FOR LIVING THE THIRTY ESSENTIALS FOR LIVING: Roof Over Their Head, Clothes On Their Back, Food On The Table, Automobile, Education, Health Care, Alarm Clock, Lights On, Water Running, Toilet Flushing, Air Condition, Stove, Refrigerator, Dish Washer, Washing Machine, Clothes Dryer, Microwave, Coffee Pot, Bath Tub, Shower, Furniture, Linens And Things, TV Set, Computer, House Phone, Cell Phone, Vacuum Cleaner, Vacation, Toilet Paper and A Job Or Income That Will Provide These 30 Things. All of these are possible now. Why wait? The only thing blocking the door to the American dream is the Republican Party; that dream could be now. This plan is the objective of every good liberal. Article 1, section 8, of the constitution has the answer to all of America’s economic problems; killing the cause is the answer to terrorism. Congress needs to create money and by-pass the Federal Reserve, and give the money directly to the treasury department to fund the infrastructure and give money directly to the states. When a super-majority of congress believes that the Federal Reserve is owned by the federal government, and not a private banking system, it is easy to understand why we have economic problems. To win the war on terrorism, we need to go after terrorism with a double bladed axe. We need to use one blade to kill the terrorists and destroy their infrastructure; with the other blade, we need to go after the cause. We need to put equal weight behind each blade. Reach Jim Carroll at 865-470-2610 Visit internetfreepress Posted in Writing | Leave a comment | Edit
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 01:01:46 +0000

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