MY DEAR FRIENDS: Let us put this in its proper - TopicsExpress


MY DEAR FRIENDS: Let us put this in its proper perspective: In 1972 abu-mazen-abbas was the co-ordinator for all funding that enabled Black September to murder ISRAEL athletes in coldblood at the Munich Olympics. If there was justice he would have been executed for complicty in the slaughter or at the very least, serving a life sentence in a prison. Rather, he is the ILLEGALLY elected pres of an ILLEGAL entity-the so-called palestinian Authority that this sitting US Pres SON-OF-Islam obama (and his predecessors) have sunk billions of US taxpayer dollars into. The rest of the world are also their benefactors. Rather then renounce his and their homicidal ways and vile practices, abu-mazen lauds, encourages, enables and emboldens muslim palestinians who constantly murder JEWISH innocents. He had the blood of JEWs all over him in 1972, and since then he is saturated with the blood of many more JEWs. As I write todays commentary, SON-OF-ISLAM obama is meeting abu-mazen at the White House, afffording him the respect of a head of state. abbas is a pariah who builds stadiums, names schools, has parades, etc for muslim palestinians who slaughter JEWISH innocents, including women and children. AND, to top it off, he has the unmitigated gall to refuse to recognize ISRAEL as JEWISH, with the blessing of obama and his chief lackey, the sinister traitor, john kerry. I TOLD YOU! AM YISROEL CHAI NO MORE CARVING ISRAEL UP OR PRISONER RELEASES SILENCE=COMPLICITY STAY INFORMED STAY VIGILANT THE TINY YET POWERFUL ISRAEL MUST ALWAYS PREVAIL JERUSALEM IS THE UNDIVIDED ETERNAL CAPITAL OF ISRAEL AND THE JEWISH PEOPLE KING SOLOMON IF YOU SAVE ONE, IT IS LIKE SAVING THE WORLD. NO MOSQUE AT GROUND ZERO Their state=TransJordan WHAT ABOUT BENGHAZIGATE? WHAT ABOUT DANIEL PEARLs muslim MURDERERS? FREE JONATHAN POLLARD JUDY NEVER AGAIN NEVER FORGET
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 19:52:17 +0000

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