MY DRESS MY (INFORMED) CHOICE. I would like to weigh in on - TopicsExpress


MY DRESS MY (INFORMED) CHOICE. I would like to weigh in on #MyDressMyChoice with a bigger picture look at how Kenyans carry out themselves every other day. I first want to reiterate that all those goons who stripped the ladies in Mombasa and Nairobi are criminals and the law should deal with them as is. On the other hand those who strip ladies mentally Ally McBeal Style need to seek urgent psychological help because its from this that you transition to the earlier goons. Quick look at Nairobi and Kenya at large, it is the right of every Kenyan to own property and assets such as laptops phones and expensive jewelery; if you can afford. However we have developed a habit of listening to the advice of the security men themselves and also heeding to the same. Such advise include: dont walk with expensive jewelery along the streets of NaiROBi, dont leave your laptop in an open place in the car #TrunkItUp, when withdrawing cash enter your pin while covering from view e.t.c. Amazingly we still follow. Back to #MyDressMyInformedChoice. It is the right of any Kenyan woman to dress or undress as they wish, just as it is a right to own property above. However society still has a lot to learn and respect these rights and it will definately take time before all criminals are dealt with. In the meantime, there is need to exercise caution when doing this to avoid attracting unnecessary physical and psychological harm. When you decide to keep your smartphone in your car and you chomoa a mulika mwizi so that you can walk comfortably along River Road, then it is high time you took the same caution with micro minis. Just because you have a right is not sufficient enough to risk your own physical anf psychological well being from attacks by the goons. Yes you can put on your mini skirts but choose where to walk at least drive your own car. I have a quick question that I would consider if I were a lady (#notjustanywoman) #helmetinplace: Can you put on that mini when you are 22 years and in the presence of your dad and his friends? If the answer is NO then probably that mini skirt is not fit for public during the day. Try it for the evenings. Will you leave your door open in Umoja simply because stealing is a crime and it is your right to own property? If the answer is NO then calculate and weigh before putting on that mini skirt in public. #ItDoesNotHurt to consider where you will be with it. As we advocate for my dress my choice I would like to urge our sisters, our daughters, and our mothers kindly make that choice be informed. On a lighter note STOP PUTTING ON KITENGES TO WORK AND TO CLUBS #Udhiera! (You make me Poor of Wonders)
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 04:16:55 +0000

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