MY FEEDBACK : WITH MALEVOLENCE TO NONE Staff members of this - TopicsExpress


MY FEEDBACK : WITH MALEVOLENCE TO NONE Staff members of this large organisation, today, are being exposed to more and more responsibilities than their formative personalities can absorb. And to this feeling of resentment, an oppressive dread of ‘what would come next’ is added. This is therefore, creating contradictory pushes and pulls in their evolutionary personae and confuses them by pulling them in a more stressful environment. Much more questions are coming up at a considerably faster pace, for which they are unable to find any answers. The questions that are begging to be answered are intimate and powerfully important, at least in the eyes of their surrounding colleagues and customers as well. Their answers can give them a meaningful direction and a valuable tool for weeding out undesirable thoughts. Either the Senior, Middle or junior Management as well, are always found to be pre-occupied or they may even laugh the questions off as being unimportant or even question the staff member having the guts to reach them in their chamber (workplace). This has left the poor staff member (especially those who are hard working but sensitive) in a state of desperate confusion and it is often heard, of some detrimental step that the staff member takes to the eternal regret of one and all. Even with all the responsibilities and work overload of today, at a time when assistance is direly needed, very few of them know ‘where to and whom to’ turn towards for a meaningful solution. A mind troubled by doubt/uncertainty can never repeat can never focus on the course of victory. Staff members at majority of the centers, are made to realise that they are working for the branch/office head in person and not for the institution (bank). In most of the cases, hard working, responsible and deserving staff members are not even able to quench their thirst for a ‘suitable recognition’ and they often complaint of facing depressing identity crisis, which they rightfully do not deserve. It may be in place to mention that; of late, some praise worthy measure(s) is now being taken in this regard. The fact still remains that those staff members who are capable of their appeasement skills (broadly termed as CAIIB III qualified), are far more benefitted in one or all aspects, in comparison to those who are responsible, hard working and efficient staff members. This is known to one and all and there’s nothing new in it. Contrary to the fact, workhorse sort of staff members are expected to bear more and more workload/responsibility as against their counterparts who enjoy being identified as defiant staff members having their nuisance value and not worth assigning any responsible assignment(s). As a consequence, more because of demonstration effect, the productivity level(s) are not quite appreciable and which of course, is declining at a faster pace. I may mention that ‘the incompetent, with nothing to do, can still make a mess of it and also achieve the credit for any success story.’ Surprisingly enough and unfortunately, this applies to the Senior, Middle or junior Management as well. From the management angle, by following even a few established although obsolete principles, one should be able to get much more out of their associates and juniors than they normally do. By putting up a brave leadership, the same team can be galvanized to improve upon its performance. On the contrary, there can be hundreds of examples where things are being managed preposterously, widening the gap in their inter-personal communication with the grass root level staff members. Supervisors / branch heads; expect the world to fall in line with their moods and pronouncements. Rarely, if ever, do they show maturity and rise above their personal characteristics and follow the principles/laid down guidelines of the organisation. THIS IS NOT MANAGEMENT: IT IS MORE OF A MISUSE OF AUTHORITY THAN ANYTHING ELSE. It’s the quality of management that gives us an edge in portraying our unique sense of work style and allows us freedom to hold true to our individuality without any hindrance. It’s the management that allows us to customize ourselves to suit our working environment and set an impression on other banks as well, of this large industry where we can practically keep our ‘head high’. It’s the management with whom one can keep a conversation going back and forth smoothly which suits one and all right up to the grass root level. When management creates a clear set of guidelines as to work expectations, and measures success rather than the time spent, it will always be easier for staff members to know what to do because the parameters are clear. In order to avoid conflicts at the workplace, related to management styles: i) Publish policy, procedures, values, expectations and guidelines honestly. There should no longer be a supervisor with a whip looking over each staff member’s shoulder, it is these documents that guide the staff members’ behaviour and performance. ii) Managers need to learn how to correctly manage different individuals to enable each person to be successful as some people need more instruction and others need to be left alone to create. Some are more trustworthy than others and can be relied upon to know their own limits and decision-making authority; others need to be managed tightly. iii) The quality and the quantity of the work should be rewarded, not time and quantity alone. Managers also need to stop subtle and not-so-subtle remarks about not seeing a staff all through during working hours or even later. iv) Employees need to have flexible time whenever possible. Some jobs require attendance at set hours and most do not. Females with young children at home might want to go home even earlier. v) Recognise that less is often more. If people get to relax, have a family life, recreation and pleasure, they are almost always more productive and creative during their working time. vi) Although conflict is here to stay, it certainly can be mitigated by taking the needs and differences of the staff members seriously and by teaching them about each other and how to work together. vii) Stop keeping your subordinates afraid and start being kind and friendly. viii) With considerable span of experience in people and processes in the workplace, I felt myself competent enough to advise the present management team how to manage the institution effectively and efficiently which may help the organisation increase its’ productivity by cutting the number of conflicts at the workplace. MANAGERS SHOULD NURTURE WORKERS AND STRIVE TO MAKE THE WORKPLACE A CARING ENVIRONMENT At this juncture, I may also earnestly call upon the apex management that honest corrective measures be adopted since such principles of management act as a demotivating tool for any staff member and also has a demonstrative effect on other fellow members. Brainstorming sessions within the department of Human Resources (virtually non-existent earlier but significantly improving now) need to be initiated to prove their literal assignment and Think Tanks of the organisation should delve to their mind’s eye for proactive steps to safeguard their workhorses right up to the grass root level, who are actually repeat who are actually their goal fetchers. Need of the hour is to evolve a mechanism to help and resolve questions which would otherwise remain a painful bomb, ready to explode at the slightest of instigation. Whereas, any strategic plan should be built on the strength of the past while understanding the challenges and responding to the needs of the future: we seem to have erred in doing so, if at all, writings on the wall & murmuring in the air can be believed upon. Startling fact of the day is that State Bank is currently at the crossroads and is eyeing at its role in the banking sector in the new scenario, having been enjoying the king’s throne for long. This organisation (in my own personal opinion) is no more “the trendsetter in banking”. The Bank is losing in market share and it is growing at a diminishing rate. One reason is the advent of foreign Banks and therefore development of a new trend that didn’t exist till a few years ago. The burgeoning economic movement added to their own concerns about the dramatic threats to our fragile banking system brought about by the heedless development. The doomsayers within this organization might have never anticipated such a revolution in the Banking sector. A strong pulsation has always alerted me of my basic rights, calls and desires while working in this organisation and the fact remains that a good management truly spells convenience for every individual who is a part and parcel of this prestigious organisation. Need of the hour is an umbrella of such a leadership that breaks down our communication barriers and provides a safe and healthy workplace. - It’s the leadership that gives us an edge in portraying our unique sense of work style and allows us freedom to hold true to our individuality without any hindrance. -It’s the leadership that allows us to customize ourselves to suit our working environment and set an impression on others. In this organization, I have, since observed that everyone desires to get his/her share of benefit: be it matter relating to their rightful claims, staff welfare, congenial working atmosphere, amicable interpersonal relationship or putting up brave and logical fight rather yielding to the pressures put forth by the management, if at all, at any stage. Unfortunately enough, I have since fallen prey to too much of health hazards (psychiatric, diabetic, cardiac and lumber issues). Since I am suffering from mental disorder, I am psychologically down at regular intervals and during my weaker moments, I personally feel that the ailments are aggravating with every passing day and as such, not allowing me to continue further with my present job. By and large, of late, I was not even getting the required support at my workplace because of the rude behaviour, egoistic approach of the lady in question and personal mental injuries suffered by me, had also put me on the back seat. Banks’, rather the local management’s apathetic approach had therefore compelled me and obligated me to call it a day, all due to sheer frustration and desperation as I was not able to keep pace with the requirements and changing scenario of the institution. Against this backdrop, after putting in 33 years of honest service, and delimited by all such antagonism, I being seemingly pessimistic of any sea change and therefore opted to quit, to keep my health stable, if not better as I am still undergoing a lengthy treatment. Honestly speaking, and accepting my defeat to cope with, I hereby surrender to the endurance test set forth by the institution and the local management as well. I have since developed a feel of having been used and disregarded by the bank and it’s high time now to keep suppressing my feelings which I shared as above. I had therefore, requested for voluntary retirement which although is told to be accepted w.e.f. close of business on 30th day of August, 2014. I have since accepted the letter under protest as both of the letters are photocopies / Xerox (one delivered in person to my family member on 02-09-2014 thru a messenger and the other thru Speed Post booked on 04-09-2014) and the original letter remains to be seen duly signed and issued on 30-08-2014. May I once again remind that the photocopies do not have any ‘locus-standi’ in the eyes of law? In this era of technology I fail to understand as to why the letter couldn’t be sent thru e-mail or as a message on my mobile when both are available with the office. As a rule, 30th August happening to be the last working day of the month, the message must have been communicated to me on that very day thru an authentic letter / e-mail / message on mobile. Now, that smells fishy. If, simply to save one’s skin, one prefers to go for such highly objectionable ir-regularities and remains scot free would not be fair for this prestigious organisation. I would like to place on record that it was Mr. Raju Kumar Singh, DGS, SBISA at Zonal Office, Patna who actually helped me out during my weaker moments and during the difficult times that I could place my views before the CM (HR) and he also forwarded my representation to the superiors that my case was taken care of, or else I’m sure nobody could have even listened to my grievance(s). Expecting that the members of this group and the institution as well, will honestly consider my suggestion(s) on a positive note, for the overall welfare of the organisation and the next generation staff members during the expected tougher times ahead. (ASHOK KUMAR SINHA) Special Assistant (Retd.) Liability Centralised Processing Centre, Khemnichak, Jangpura, Patna 10TH SEPTEMBER, 2014
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 17:28:10 +0000

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