MY NAME IS PAT AND IM A WORKAHOLIC There, I admitted it, and - TopicsExpress


MY NAME IS PAT AND IM A WORKAHOLIC There, I admitted it, and it is truly a struggle to change and try to achieve a balance in my life. How I got this way probably began in childhood. The process all started with being the daughter of poor parents who, because they wanted me to have a better lot in life than they had had, always pushed me to excel in everything I did. In second grade, after receiving a B on conduct (couldnt sit still or keep my mouth shut!) and As on everything else, my punishment consisted of three separate whippings, and having to memorize 300 bible verses and two catechisms. There were teachers in later years who would give me an A with 15 minuses after it for a conduct grade because they were uncertain what mom would use as punishment for my next B (and I still had not mastered sitting still and not talking!). For as long as I can remember, I have gone 90 to nothing from sun up until I go to bed at night and, even then, I often have difficulty turning off my brain in order to rest. It is not unusual for me to be up doing things in the wee hours of the morning because sleep has once again eluded me. In church or in meetings, if my husband puts his hand on my bouncing knee to stop its impatient action, the other knee starts bouncing. A workaholic doesnt ever relax, not even on vacation. Just ask my spouse or my sons. One year we went to Florida for a vacation week during which time we spent a day at Disney World, a day at Epcot, a day at MGM studios, a day at Universal studios, a day at Sea World, and then drove to Tampa for a day at Busch Gardens. When we got home, they all needed time to recover from my vacation! The only time I relax at all are the few times we have gone to a beach where I can sit and stare at the water. For some reason, the repetitiveness of the waves is very soothing and relaxing. The waves just keep on coming over and over again in much the same way that Gods grace keeps flowing into our lives. I am trying my best to change and develop some balance in my life, to abstain from going about everything at breakneck speed, to stop and actually appreciate the little things. This is the first year I have had the chance to enjoy the changes brought on by the gradual slide into fall. Mom always said this was the time Mother Nature went about the work of putting everything to bed for the winter. She would mulch her flower beds and drag every plant into the house that would not survive the harsh winter if left outside. In fact, there was barely a path to walk from one room to the next due to the sheer number of plants she brought in! As I was walking Brians ADD dog today, the sky was a beautiful cerulean blue and dotted with fluffy white clouds. There were a myriad of trees decked out with leaves of reds, oranges, and yellows, and beautiful grasses dotted the landscape. Theres a crispness in the air heralding the cold front that will arrive by the weekend. All in all, a beautiful fall day. Earlier today I got to go with Brian to TRU, a local eatery, where we had lunch and then he had his office hours. (Interesting but unique place to conduct office hours!). I must say I was impressed at how he interacted with and instructed the students who had appointments with him today. He is so good at what he does and, of course, I was one proud mama! So, yes, I am a workaholic who is trying to learn to stop and smell the roses, to see the beauty and majesty in the simple things that I have long taken for granted, to learn to savor the moments. Psalms 46:10 expresses this thought even better: Be still, and know that I am God!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 21:13:51 +0000

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