MY STORY.....DANA :) I HOPE YOU WILL READ THIS & BE ENCOURAGED AND LEARN FROM MY BATTLE FOR MY LIFE. One in two men and one in three women WILL get cancer. Last night I did a health presentation and I realized I have been educating people on wellness for almost 25 years. It always seems the ones that need to embrace the message are the least likely to and the ones that are already living a healthy life get It and amen everything I say... My message is simple matter what chronic illness you have or major disease youve been diagnosed with you can save yourself a lot of time and money and adopt a diet that is mostly plant based. This means CHANGING YOUR LIFESTYLE. My wakeup call was in 1990 when my two oldest boys were 3 and 4 years old. I was completely bedridden for a full year. I couldnt even shower on my own or walk downstairs. I was an invalid. I was eating the sad :( diet that most Americans eat. Sad stands for Standard American Diet. After wiping out all our saving and going to the ER twice and 8 different doctors over a one year period ...At 510 I weighed 105 pounds and was on several medications (including massive amounts of antibiotics), had my tonsils removed and basically was have a very bad case of Epstein Barr virus, and fibromyalgia...we really dont know much else we can do for you...sometimes it goes away on its own and sometimes it doesnt.....So at 30 years old I truly believed I was going to die ...because I was dying...and all the doctors with all their medical degrees could not help me. Not one of them asked me what I ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Not one of them asked how much regular exercise I got...and not one asked what my stress level at home was like. After this experience I learned that doctors can only do so much in a 10 minute office visit and that I better take control of my health because no one else was. Doctors are wonderful and we most definitely need them BUT...they are not trained in nutrition they are trained how to treat symptoms and what medication best works for what you have. They are trained in surgery, procedures and emergency care. THE VAST MAJORITY ARE NOT TRAINED IN NUTRITION and the impact the foods you are eating have on your health and your lack of health. After lying in bed and missing one year of my boys lives..watching them play with our live in nanny (that my grandparents had to pay for) through a bedroom window...God sent his angel. A beautiful 30 yr old woman at our church came and prayed with me and she had been in charge of the meals being sent to us for months....she told me that she had been battling cancer and was stopping the chemo because it was making her so ill...she asked if I would be willing to let her drive me to see the nutritionist she had been seeing. I agreed. The nutritionist saw me two times and opened my eyes to things no doctor ever told me...she told me that my cells could all be replaced with healthy ones in 3 to 4 months and my bone cells could be replaced in one year. She asked me a direct question and had me look her in the eyes....she said Dana do you want to be well?...still today those words send chills up my spine. I told her YES! so she had me go to an all plant based diet...and water. She eventually got me off all the meds and let me know that the antibiotics were hurting me tremendously. In 8 months I let the nanny go and in 12 months I was a walking, living breathing testimony that you truly are what you eat. Every time you put food in your mouth you are either feeding cancer cells and the disease process or you are starving those cancer cells and strengthening your immune system. When I do these health talks I am not there to try to sell Juice Plus I am there for one purpose and that is to encourage a person to want to embrace a healthy lifestyle and I know of no better way to get someone on the right track than for them to add JP+ to their diet as the foundation for great health. It will help them crave healthier foods which in turn help them to eat and want less of the bad foods....while at the same time giving them 15 different fruits and veggies at a cellular level. People are busy these days and dont have time to juice twice a day and eat lots of fresh produce. The study done on JP+ in 2012 at MD Anderson in regard to ovarian cancer found that JP+ was more effective in the body than women eating the real thing! They had a higher protein level in the blood they felt better physically and emotionally. One group ate ten servings or F&V per day and the other ate 5 per day and had a JP+ Complete plant based shake and took the F & V JP+ capsules. This is incredible in so many ways because people can do this they can comply and its convenient. Less than $1.50 per day. People often say to me Dana its just so expensive to eat healthy...and I say as nicely and as genuinely as I can...its ALOT more expensive to be sick...have you priced chemo, insulin, radiation, surgeries, loss of work etc....thats whats expensive...sometimes I think people would rather live in denial. This morning I bought 2 watermelons, two organic bananas, fresh garlic, an onion, organic baby tomatos, a red bell pepper, spaghetti squash and it was approx. $20. What I didnt buy was fruit juice, soda (or diet), crackers, cookies, chips, pizza, bagels, bread etc.... Eating healthy is not expensive...that is simply an excuse. The truth is you are going to spend the very same money at some point so you can either spend it on good health and prevention OR poor health and disease. Below I thought I would share some of the MANY side effects of cancer and the side effects of fruits and vegetables. Its your choice. Its my prayer you would give up all your excuses and begin living life to the plus! Dana :) The side effects of consuming fresh raw fruits and vegetables and Juice Plus+ are: improved immune system, better circulation, reduction in inflammation, lowers damage to the cells, better skin and gum tissue, reduction of disease, repair damaged DNA. The side effects of chemo: Chemo wipes out fast-growing cancer cells, it also can damage fast-growing healthy cells.Damage to healthy blood cells, for example, can lead to side effects such as fatigue or infection. Chemotherapy can also damage the cells that line mucous membranes throughout the body, including those inside the mouth, throat and stomach. This can lead to mouth sores, diarrhea or other issues with the digestive system. And damage to cells at the hair roots, or follicles, can lead to hair loss.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 14:10:27 +0000

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