MYSTERIOUS BEAUTY OF THE OLDEST SANCTUARY IN VIETNAM Over time, My Son sanctuary brings ancient, mysterious beauty attracting many domestic and foreign tourists. My Son sanctuary is located in Duy Phu commune, Duy Xuyen distric, Quang Nam province, far from Da Nang city 70 km and 40 km from Hoi An. This is the Hindu sanctuary of ancient Kingdom of Champa. According to the traditional ceremony, a king who came to the throne worshiped, built the temple. This area was discovered in 1885 by a group of French solider. Ten years ago (1895), archaeologist Camille Paris came to learn in the first time. Until 1904, many reasearchers and archaeologists revealed secret things as Louis Finot, Henri Permentier… My Son sanctuary is located in the valley abount 2km in diameter, surrounded by hills and mountains. It includes 70 towers divided into several places and built according to the same principle. The structure of each sanctuary consists of the main temple, surrounded by the small tower or works. In the main temple, it represents Meru mountain, the centre of the universe, a place to worship Siva.Tower gate in the front of the main temple, there are two doors in the east and west. Mandapa is long house next gate tower used as a place to welcome guests and receive gifts. Next to the temple’s towers have one or two rooms. Doors are used for storage of sacrifice in the north. Another small temples look towards the sky. To stand at that time, in 1995, the management of My Son relic was established. In the year 1998-1999, records UNESCO World Heritage was also sent. In December,1999, this sanctuary was the official World Cultural Heritage with two criteria: the cultural exchange with the intergration into the native culture. The external cultural influences, especially the Indian architectural art reflected the evolution of the historical culture of Champa culture in the history of the Southeast Asia.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 00:30:01 +0000

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