Maddys Journey (Post 56) New Plan Oct 2, 2013 9:15am-(Round - TopicsExpress


Maddys Journey (Post 56) New Plan Oct 2, 2013 9:15am-(Round 11) By: Maddy Justice Now, I know you are all wondering how my 24 day chemotherapy plan went. I do want to apologize for not writing in a long time but things have just been hectic and I needed time to relax and let this new news sink in. So last week I experienced some shooting back pain and a little tingly feeling in my hips and shins. I knew automatically something wasnt right. It was either a side effect from one of the chemos or it was because my back was not doing to well. And, with my compression fracture coming into play, I became a little worried about my back and the pain I was feeling with it. As soon as the pain hit, I lied down on the bed and said Something is not right. We need to go to the hospital. So, thats exactly what we did. I explained my symptoms to my nurse practitioner and we agreed an MRI would be a good thing to do. The MRI took 2 hours and by the end of it I about wanted to run up and down the walls...staying still is not one of my talents, especially if its for 2 hours and your body is strapped onto a had plastic board, your head taped down, and your body crammed into a machine that looks like a toilet paper roll. (heehee) I dont really get good news too often so when we got the results back I didnt really react. I just excepted the news with a blank face. I didnt show emotion, I didnt cry, I didnt scream, I just sat there. So, whats the news? Well, the chemotherapy that we had planned didnt work and the chloromas didnt react to them and they also found new tumors. Whatever, its not like bad news is a rare thing. So, the new plan. I feel good about what we are doing next. We are going to do radiation on a few places in my back and some more chemotherapy. We are going to zap this sucker right out of my body and I am going to show it my mean face yet again. I still havent lost hope, faith, or belief. And I never will lose those things. Im not really upset with whats going on with my body because I am used to doing all this treatment. I am a very determined and motivated person. I am also very stubborn so there is no way cancer is ever going to control my life or make me live in a life of unhappiness. It may sound as though I never break down and cry or that I never get upset. But thats not true at all. I have those moments. In fact I NEED those moments where I just get upset and let everything out. I am human after all. I know it is okay to feel sad. I just get upset and then I go back to being me, Maddy. Then I put my game face back on and become happy again. Please dont worry about me, Ill be fine. With the support from you guys, friends, family, and complete strangers, I know I am not alone in this fight and your support and prayers help me get through everyday. Cancer fears prayers! It also fears hope and ME!! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. ~Keep On Shining
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 02:01:05 +0000

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