Madiba I never knew you personally and neither did you know me - TopicsExpress


Madiba I never knew you personally and neither did you know me but there was one instance when I saw you in person but unfortunately I was standing way at the back of the huge crowd on my fathers shoulders much too far for you to have noticed. I never would have thought that a boxer and lawyer from a small village called Qunu would become so famous and revered by the world. I saw you for the very first time when you were released from prison on 11 February 1990 on our small black and white tv set. As my family watched in awe, I, still a young boy wondered why everyone was making such a huge fuss about an old man, I didnt yet grasp the magnitude of what that day meant for the country. There was a heightened sense of euphoria and joy hanging in the air, everybody spoke excitedly about you. Years later I got to learn about you in school, your struggle, your ambition, and your dream of a free democratic country in which all South Africans of all colors, races and beliefs could live equally under a constitution that would protect their rights. By this time you were the President of the country, the transition was peaceful, at first everything was new and strange but I got used to attending a white school and having classmates of all races and backgrounds. At home my grandmother who was younger than you still kept your portrait even after you retired, she always spoke very highly of you, her grey eyes beaming with optimism and her cheerful voice filled with joy, she used to tell me stories about the days before 1994, the days of apartheid, the days of oppression. As I grew up I learned that not everyone felt the same way about you, some people criticized you for being a terrorist, others claim that you are a sell out and as the colors of our rainbow nation started to wash out throughout the years others even began to blame you for the shortcomings of the government and the state our country was slowly falling into. I dont know you as any of that, I know you as Madiba and I came to understand that even you were not perfect, but even with your shortcomings you managed to overcome what you fought against, you stood bravely and was prepared to even die for what you believed in. The dream you had may not be fully realized today but you made sure that things would be different and in many ways they are. Then you slowly faded from the public, no longer did I hear your inspiring voice, see your iconic smile or feel your presence in the were growing old and left us by means of death.. I never thought that one day I would write this letter, but all I want to say is... Madiba, you remain an amazing person, you persevered in the face of adversity, you changed the lives of many, you touched the hearts of your enemies, and you made us all realize that The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. People can think or say whatever they want but I believe that because of you South Africa is a much better place, we are not perfect but we are better. I dont know what South Africa would be like without Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela but I still remember what a wise old man once said, “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” I think if we believe just this then we will be ok. Thank you for your love, wisdom,bravery, understanding, and your contribution towards a better South Africa, but most of all thank for being you. Letting go is not easy but in the end God has the final say... Still miss you tata ..LONG LIVE THE SPIRIT OF #Nelson_Mandela LONG LIVE...lala ngoxolo my hero...Uhambe indlela kaThixo...Hamba kahle
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 20:30:48 +0000

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