Mainstream Business Magazine “Knowing where the planets are in - TopicsExpress


Mainstream Business Magazine “Knowing where the planets are in the night sky, and what that means, is as close to planetary insider information as one can get,” writes Forbes magazine reporter Ken Rapoza in the current (Feb. 20) issue of Forbes magazine. Rapoza interviewed financial astrologers Ray Merriman, Robert Gover and Grace Morris, and produced a balanced overview on financial astrology for the uninitiated: Can Planets Affect Your Portfolio? He also wrote a sidebar piece: Lucky Guess or Lucky Stars, Astrologer’s Top Stock Picks Beat the Market. Some observations by the astrologers interviewed: “This is a crossroads year. It’s not the end of the world for the U.S. economy and the planets tell us it’s going to be a good first half for U.S. stocks.” — Grace Morris. “With Saturn moving into Scorpio later this year it will be a time of reckoning and not only for the U.S. but for Japan and also Europe.“ — Ray Merriman. The Astrology News Service (ANS) asked the Forbes reporter the following questions: ANS: Are you a Forbes staff writer or freelancer? Rapoza: I’m a contracted employee, which is one step above freelancer, one step below staffer. I write for them daily and am one of the top 10 international news writers in terms of traffic. ANS: How did this article come about? Rapoza: Intellectual curiosity really. Plus, I personally know Robert Gover (one of the astrologers featured in the coverage). ANS: Business magazines appear to be more open to covering this topic than head-in-the-sand scientific publications. Why do you think this is so? Online Forbes article illustrated with stock image of crystal-ball gazing fortune teller. Rapoza: I think because a financial and business publication — especially a mainstream one like Forbes — has more room to at least “appear” to be tongue in cheek than a professional journal of science. Although I was not poking fun as financial astrologers in any way, I used an image that was more mainstream in order to attract a more general audience — a woman reading a crystal ball. I would also say that for a mainstream business magazine like Forbes, or even a weekend article in the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times, that people might be curious to know about the subject as they would be curious to watch any “out there” type program on The History Channel; such as Decoded or Ancient Aliens. It interests people. And on the investment side, people want to look at the data — see just how well your stock picks have worked using financial astrology at least in part to make those decisions to buy or sell. Investors, both retail investors and licensed professionals, know how to judge whether an investor’s calls are working or not: is the stock going up, or has it gone down? In the examples I gave from Grace’s large cap stocks, they have all gone up. Of course, lots of stocks have gone up this year, but still, people interested in investing would be curious about how that call was made. Lucky guess? Or lucky stars? I don’t think you’re going to get away with that in a scientific journal. ANS: Do you or your broker utilize astrological methods when timing/picking stock investments? Rapoza: No. ANS: What answer do you give those who ask for your honest opinion about astrology? Rapoza: I’ve never been asked that question. I would say that I have personally used astrologers in my personal life. In fact, I plan on seeing one next week! Not for stock picking though. ANS: Is there anything else you think we should know? Rapoza: I think that’s it. I’m glad people (in the astrological community) liked the article. astrologynewsservice/business/can-planets-affect-your-portfolio/
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 03:28:54 +0000

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