Making some major changes in my life. I have had much time to - TopicsExpress


Making some major changes in my life. I have had much time to think about my life and evaluate some things these last couple of days. What is important in life? What is important to me? Where did I go wrong? What can I do to fix it? What can I change in order to get what I need? If I dont like something, only I can change it. If I have learned anything through this incident, it is: 1. You get what you give and I have a lot of great friends that I treasure and value so much in my life. I value the fact that I can be real and they accept me just as I am. We agree to disagree at times, but they take me at face value and have my back anytime, day or night, without judgment or condemnation. There are those in my life that may not fit this description. They are not my friends. They are acquaintances that I were brought in to my life for reasons only God knows and that we have such totally different values, expectations, and beliefs that there is just no way we will ever be friends. That is completely okay. You cannot be friends with everyone. Not everyone is going to like me. I would venture to guess, less will like me for me after some major self evaluation and changes that will occur in the near future. And guess what.......THAT IS OKAY! I give you permission to delete me, ignore me, walk away from me, or distance yourself from me. What I will not allow is disrespect, selfishness, inconsideration, gossiping, rudeness, or disregard for my boundaries so please expect a reaction from today forward that may shock you. I am no longer going to be a doormat. I will still be the same Lord loving, people loving, caring, compassionate, giving, Jesus fearing, people loving, caretaking, respectful person, only with boundaries that will be strictly enforced. So you have been warned. 2. Actions speak louder than words. Love is a four letter word. When I say it, I mean it. I show it. I speak it. I act it. It is not always reciprocated. We cannot make someone love us. We can do our best to fool ourselves into believing the lies that someone cares that may not and has alterior motives but ultimately, the truth will be revealed. If someone means more to you than yourself, you will go out of your way to show them, despite any inconvenience to yourself it may cause. That is caring and compassion for others over yourself. It can be shown in a multitude of ways, but during crisis is when it seems to really be apparent who loves you and who is there for other reasons in your life. Most always, business relationships should be separated from friendships as they tend to cross boundaries. I now understand that there are people in my life that are not really my friends and really could care less about me personally. Again, that is okay. God did not design every person on this earth to like me and be my friend. We all have different roles. Facebook is a place for me to connect with my friends and family and those I want to keep in touch with on a personal level. For the first time ever, I will be deleting anyone who doesnt fit this category so please dont be offended because it is nothing personal it just seems to me that our relationship is not at a level that constitutes sharing my personal life with on a personal and vulnerable level. 3. Truth always wins. I will always be honest with you. It is mostly to a fault but you will never have to worry where you stand with me. From this day forward, I pledge to be even more up front and less reserved about hiding things that offend me, hurt me, tick me off, or cross boundaries that I have set for respect, compassion, etc. 4. We are all human. We make mistakes. We are sinners. It started in the garden with Adam in Eve. We are also given salvation by the blood shed on the cross on Calvary. Salvation is yours for the taking but you cannot be given salvation. It is our free will to ask, receive, and believe but no one can do that for you. You must answer for your own actions. Which road will you chose? I pray it is my way, but no one can make you do anything you dont want to do. I accept you for who you are whether I accept your actions or not. What I do expect is that you be respectful of my beliefs and honor my values in my presence, around myself and my family, at our home, and in our relationship. If this is a problem, I give you total permission to walk away........see above. 5. A mans word, should reflect their beliefs. If you say you are going to do something. Do it. Stand true on your word. This leaves little room for mistrust which breaks down relationships and shows how much value someone has for you and where you stand. If I tell you that I am going to do something, you can pretty much take it to the bank. I try to be a woman of integrity. I try to be trustworthy. I dont want to cause anyone else pain for my lack of respect for someone else by not doing what I say I will do. I will fall short at times, this I am sure. You have my permission to let me know, respectfully, and we can discuss it and I will do my loving best to right any wrongs I cause if you will allow it. I am not perfect. 6. We are not perfect. I am not perfect. We all fall short. We all are sinners. I pray that I can be forgiving and love like Jesus loves when this happens to me. But please dont take advantage of this. I will forgive as Jesus commands, but I can assure you that I will be less likely to continue to place myself in the situation that allows you to continue to repeat the behavior if you do not respect me enough to be honest, truthful, and kind. 7. Illegal is illegal. If I know about it. It is my responsibility to do what is right and honorable to report it. It is for my protection, the protection of my family, and the protection of others. I would pray that others would do the right thing if they have this knowledge to protect society from illegal activity and behavior as this could just as easily be your loved one. Wrong is wrong and I will not protect you, even if you are my family. You make the choice, you know there are consequences, and you must be held accountable. Feel free to make changes in your life based on my new boundaries that coincide with your values. I respect that as I wish the same in return for myself. Be blessed!
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 08:52:58 +0000

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