Man I really dislike the term climate change. It is so easy for - TopicsExpress


Man I really dislike the term climate change. It is so easy for people to get hung up on word semantics and deviate from the issues. What it should be called is environmental degradation or destruction. Or ya know...pollution. Everything that we are doing occurs on some level in nature. Toxins are part of nature. The problem is that we are doing it at a rate that nature is not able to process the toxins, in addition we are wiping out the organisms and supporting organisms that would consume those toxins. Carbon is another stupid buzz word. Its not the carbon itself that is the real issue it is the quantity as well as the other gases attached to it. Your car, the factories and industrialized agriculture is generating many harmful toxic gasses. (just a side note if all of these gases were instead filtered to algae pools instead of released into the open environment all willy nilly we would have a less toxic environment, and more fuel) Without the ecosystem to properly consume these gases we have a buildup of toxins or in other words pollution. Word semantics are hindering the cause and buzz words are not helping those who want to help the environment. If you really want to make positive environmental change we need to start using more accurate verbiage. Smash those flimsy arguments with real facts that cant be brushed away because of poor wording. The enemy in the intellectual debate for environmental protection is the lawyers and politicians that are in the pockets of the corporations, and decide to champion their cause. We are dumping so much pollution into our air, water, and earth on a daily basis. Generating so much waste and garbage it has overwhelmed our planet. I dont give a crap about the temperature, that is generally always in a slow transition. What I care about is everything dying. The water air land and soil being poisoned. There not being any clean food to eat or water to drink. There are so many dead zones in the oceans from pollution it is sad, and if the ocean is the backbone of our entire ecosystem that say a lot. Within the past 200 years we have caused a great amount of damage and wiped out lifeforms that we will never see again. In just the past decade alone how many extinctions have occurred ? How many creatures have been put on the endangered list? This is irreparable damage that we are doing to our planet for temporal gains and those greedy bastards will not have to clean up the mess or pick up the pieces. ~Timothy Lal~
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 08:07:55 +0000

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