Man.. Obama and his whole administration are unbelievable. This - TopicsExpress


Man.. Obama and his whole administration are unbelievable. This whole health care thing has gone beyond politics and should be fairly obvious to everyone regardless of political stance what is going on. He is holding a press conference later in Massachusetts where Mitt Romneys romney care law was signed into law. Did you hear that right? LOLOLOLOL. So lets get this straight... Obama is COMPLETELY unyielding and unwilling to negotiate on his health care law that has been engineered to fail so that big government could swoop in and save the day. He REFUSED to involve republicans in any efforts to make the law more appropriate for the American people as a whole. And now that everything he said during his campaign speeches are being exposed as brazen lies and his entire enrollment process has literally been a total and complete failure and more importantly a complete embarrassment to his presidency HE WANTS TO BLAME IT ON REPUBLICANS. Mark my words on this and when it happens, Im going to say I told you so. Hes going to have this press conference in Mass. and say something to the effect of, Look everyone, Romney care worked here. Look at ALL these people that have healthcare and how successful this has been. MY (complete failure) Obama care will be the same thing so everyone needs to chill out and you have PLENTY of time to accept this system WOW. I KNOW that is exactly where this is going. Dont give republicans or ANYONE for that matter who is 1 millimeter to the right of your political postion any credit for Obama care. Oppose republicans and conservative democrats the WHOLE way but when everything comes crashing down, WE MUST FIND A WAY to involve the republicans and conservatives in this failure. Ted Cruz has been trying to warn government and the American people about this monstrosity for years and no one will listen and now its failing before our very eyes and no ones doing anything about it. Its disgusting. Not to mention them saying the other day, Oh people dont know who good or bad their plan is until they try and use it HAHAHAHAHA. That is the biggest load of absolute bullcrap Ive ever heard. THANK YOU government for saving me from my idiot self that doesnt know whats best for me. I have NO ABILITY to choose my own healthcare and read the fine print. I need you to step in and double my premiums for HALF the benefits because you know whats best. THANK GOD youre there to take over my life with communism. I have freedom and personal liberty anyways. RANT OVER.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 15:38:51 +0000

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