Man manipulated the bible so you can look to government. The Jews - TopicsExpress


Man manipulated the bible so you can look to government. The Jews since then has been trying to cover the fact they killed God in the flesh which is why you see all the nonsense now of hate, deception, simple mindedness. The world leaders call you simple minded, but it is of hate and deception that they give you. That is simple minded, to think we are a bunch of idiots, now I and my father in heaven call that simple minded Just saying. Since even the roman empire God showed his power cause they played God. Now God is going to show his power and blatantly destroy the empire that is now, to understand God you really have to understand science. ok there is parts of the bible to trust. The parts to trust when you are reading, is that extremely good feeling when you run across something God is trying to tell you threw the bible, but with all mans manipulation his message still made it threw (LOVE), he is of loving, kindness, peace, patience, Happiness. The parts where you seriously have to question, that is of man, (man)ipulation, the Holy spirit is true the vibe you feel when you are around people. That vibe is real itll tell you what is and what isnt about some one, the gut feeling you get when you are in love, lied too, stolen from that feeling is the spirit that dwells with in you the spirit of GOD. I am simple trying to wake the dead that are in Christ Jesus so your minds are of your own and not the Governments calculated thought process off deception. It is when you stop rationalizing their mistakes youll be free Rationalism of any sort is one in the same basically rationalism is trying to spray perfume on a dog turd and saying it is not a dog turd and when you rationalize you wind up deceiving your self and when deceiving your self anger becomes an issue confusion just plain out being lost. 1,2,3, these are just numbers right??? no serious things happen in 3s 3 all in all where crucified when Christ gave his life. 3 seriousness. then the # 2 nothing ever happens the same twice both times in any situation the second differs from the first, the number #5 is (will), which is unstoppable if the will is of LOVE of Gods understanding love your brothers and sisters as you would love your self but first you have to love your self before you can love anyone conclusion of the number 5, the #6 is mans number not the beast man it means its imperfect, it means their are flaws undecided you know what I mean, the #13 is of deception hate, hey didnt we start off with a revolution of 13 colonies oh my god the freemasons even started the French revolution woe didnt see that one coming, the #7 completion perfection it is of God (Love). now use the key I just gave you the true story is in the dates threw out all of history the numbers in combination of the HOLY SPIRIT will tell you the truth of the real history, of our world.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 21:40:34 +0000

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