Manchester City are clearly the best club in England, one of the - TopicsExpress


Manchester City are clearly the best club in England, one of the finests in Europe and in the world at the moment. They are arguably the overwhelming favourites for all their domestic trophies and peradventure the prestigious and lucrative UEFA Champions League this season. In England, the team has the most scary attackers, a well balanced and organized back 4, strong and mobile midfielders who orchestrate quit easily at the middle of the pack, and as a matter of fact, they are presently the only team in the whole of Europe that can present 2 solid teams to prosecute 2 different tournaments at the same time (such is the quality amidst the team from the Blue Side of Manchester). Perhaps I can easily be pardoned if I label the Etihad outfits the 2013-14 EPL Champions in waiting, and I could as well be forgiven if I tip them for an unprecedented quadruple this season, just as both their gaffer and skipper had already hinted late last month. However, just as much as I have expressed my severe admiration for Manchester City, a certain question keeps begging which I really would wish to ask here. Albeit many might have noticed it but chose to remain mute or never to lay any emphasies on it, whilst many might have not noticed anyway. My question is : Why do EPL referees keep favouring Manchester City in spite of their completeness in every position on the field of play ? I jumped cheap to conclusion over this allegation with some attested and cogent reasons. Firstly. At the Etihad, against Arsenal, when referee had his offside call against Rosicky clearly wrong. A move that easily could have resulted into Arsenals equalizer on the afternoon, with Manchester City leading 1-0 at that moment. The replay showed that the linesman criminally got his decision wrong, as one of Manchester City players did play Rosicky on at the far side. Secondly. Again in the same match, Arsenal had a penalty appeal which wasnt given. A through ball from an Arsenal player (which was destined for Theo Walcott who was facing the goal inside the Manchester City box and had only the goal-keeper to beat), was redirected by Zabaletas left arm in front of the referee and the referee denied the Gunners a clear penalty which possibly could have brought them back in the game as Arsenal were still chasing the game 3-1 at that moment of the incident. I believe Zabaleta obviously ought to have seen red and equally conceded a penalty owing to that infringement which could have changed the completion of the game completely, as the replay showed it was a deliberate act by Zabaleta. Thirdly. At the Etihad, against Liverpool, when a defense splitting pass from Suarez met with Sterling in the Manchester City half, who had only Joe Hart to beat, but the move was cut shot as the referee blew for an offside causion. However, the replay showed that Sterling was clearly onside, as both the linesman and the referee denied Liverpool in what looked like an equalizing goal for sure because Manchester City were leading 2-1 at the moment of that controversial decision. Fourthly. At the St James Park against Newcastle United. Cheik Tiotes superb one-time volley from a corner kick was wrongly disallowed for an offside against a player who clearly wasnt interfering with play. The disallowed goal could have brought Newcastle back on level terms if the referee had gotten his decision right, as Manchester City were leading 1-0 at that moment. Lastly. At White Hart Lane against Tottenham Hotspur. The homers got a legitimate equalizing goal through Erikson but the referee disallowed it for an offside, with replay obviously showed that Erikson was onside. Again in the same game, the red card issued to Danny Rose to me appeared absolutely harsh. The incident that lead to the red card and the penalty was questionable as replay showed that Rose tackled was a clean one, he did clear the ball and not Dzekos leg as presumed by the referee. To me, I believe these kinds of injustices will continue to diminish the love, spirit and growth of the round leather game, especially amongst the fans across the world. That is the reason why many didnt see Barcelona for what they were when the Catalans were so dominant, just because many felt without a bias officiating Barcelona probably cant beat other big teams in Europe, even though I still believe that Barcelonas team of 2009-2012 were the best football team ever, but with the little dirtiness of their referees favoritism, that alone, I believe, did dim their quality and brilliancy that time. Same with Manchester United who, as of today, remain the most successful English club (trophy wise), but because of their uncleanliness, they have lost the respect. If a team is good for success such a team should vie with all available at its disposal to earn it, but without the auspice of referees, as this kind of bias officiating will continue to steal the integrity of teams involve.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 18:06:39 +0000

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