Manee Dheva - TopicsExpress


Manee Dheva มีแต่ภาคภาษาอังกฤษนะคะ อ่านเพิ่มเติมได้จากที่นี่นะคะ..Theory of termites! Perseverance .... is the amazingly great notice of the motion of a small ant in the anthill that has attained great. In an effort to keep the unity of the termite colony with as little as I had to make a wish. Even bees, the little that I have attained. Honey, its me in the collection. We are spiritual beings who have attained a high, if not already. Termites and bees may be less certain or less. (Its a question I ask myself is it). If the thought of termites. Think of the little bee. It will be a great encouragement to me in a matter of perseverance. On the other hand, if I have this little one is a pretty good pile of it. I will have to do. If it is not a collection of small daily goodness it was a long day, a long day in less than a year would become a huge pile of good here. Not unlike those termites and bees were collected attained it. So the idea that I was going to lose to the great anthill. One thing I should have, then it is attained. I have attained a stab incision in the collection are in the day-to-molded together into a huge pile of it. Theory focuses molehill. In terms of the persistence of the underlying security here. Of the foundation and it will gradually increase it. I pitched up as the top termite . How do the termites direct and control their activity? How do they co-ordinate their work? One exciting theory emerging from the study of termite behavior is that work in the termite colony reflects a self organizing process where order emerges out of chaos. While the nest always has a familiar pattern, it is infinitely variable in terms of detailed form. It is impossible to predict the detailed structure in advance, because it emerges as a result of the scattered pattern of droppings. This is what makes the construction process so different from that of human beings. The masterpiece evolves from random, chaotic activities guided by what seems to be an overall sense of purpose and direction, but in an open-ended manner. I have in this view of termite behavior a splendid image for rethinking many aspects of the leadership process in human organizations. For example, it suggests that effective leadership or change management may not have to be based on a detailed strategic plan. It may not be something that has to be imposed. It may be something that can emerge and take form in a self-organizing, evolutionary way. In my research on the management of change I encounter many successful strategic termites. They are managers who operate out of a strong sense of vision, while letting the detailed course of implementation emerge from the evolving situations being faced. Strategic termites are incremental and opportunistic in their approach to change. They build on ideas, actions and events that they create, or spontaneously come their way. They are strategic in the sense that, while their activity is open to the influence of random opportunity, decisions and actions are always informed and guided by a strong sense of what they are ultimately trying to achieve. They have plans; but they dont implement plans and are not constrained by plans. They are people who know where they would like to go. But they do not always know the route by which theyre going to get there! บันทึกนี้เขียนที่ GotoKnow โดย มณีเทวา
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 10:06:06 +0000

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