Mankind is suffering and are all prisoners of the mind. The root - TopicsExpress


Mankind is suffering and are all prisoners of the mind. The root cause of this is the false identification with our thoughts. All these lives we have been searching for ourselves. That is the problem. How can we search for ourselves? Just like the index finger that points out at objects cannot point at itself; just as the eye that cannot see itself, how can we search for ourselves? If it was something outside of us , we can search for it. Imagine a person wearing a hat on his head and asking where is my hat? This has been our problem. We have been searching for this everywhere except within ourselves. We searched for this in relationships, marriage, children, in job, in money in everything. But as long as you look for outside we will not find what we are looking for
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 00:46:11 +0000

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