Many Edomites have arrived at the reality that America and Esau as - TopicsExpress


Many Edomites have arrived at the reality that America and Esau as a super power has a very short time to stand. That explains this deluge of Edomites joining on to Jake’s camps such as GOCC gathering of Christian Cult that refer to themselves as Israelites but clearly retained the slave mentality of modern Christian churches. GOCC, like other religions and sects enthusiastically embrace occultism as an integral esoteric aspect of mystical religious experience. They claim to be Israelites, yet the vast majority of their women do not cover their hair, wear men apparel such as pants, do not wear fringes and a border of blue on their garments as ordered. Were as their self proclaimed so-called elder does not wear a beard and twist the scriptures to justify teaching people that have proven time and again to be mortal enemies to Israelites. All camps that claim to be Israelites yet have heathens in their camps, schools and churches must be reproved and rejected by the elect. They teach a modern Christian doctrine and promote such ideal like marching for reparations. This attitude is common within GOCC and many other religions based so-called Israelites. These organizations claim to denounce religious denominations disapprove of occultism in most or all forms, yet do just the opposite. Such ideology not achieved by or through God (as defined as it is written), and is therefore the work of an opposing and malevolent entity. The heathens join this so-called Israelites merely as a survival method, they are deceiving many Jakes by claming the Most High and entering into their camps. All of these Jakes that are doing this are not part of the elect; they will be part of the 2/3 that will be written in the earth unless they repent. The elect must reprove and speak out against all of the Israelites that have allowed enemies within our ranks. For example GOCC Gathering Of Christian Cult (GOCC) teach Edomites and that salvation is for the heathens if they are not part of the global elite. If you are a member of GOCC leave it now! I warn you as a brother, the judgments of the Most High will reign down upon them and other camps as theirs that teach and allow heathens within their midst.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 22:51:09 +0000

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