Many Many Congratulations ...!!.. to NDA and Indian mandate for - TopicsExpress


Many Many Congratulations ...!!.. to NDA and Indian mandate for such a whopping victory... way beyond my comprehension... :) .. I am happy that we eventually will have a stable government and more progress in times to come.. Ameen..!!.. :) However, its a Time for Self Introspection too...!!!... As per my forecast.. I had no doubts about NDA forming the government.. the dasa antardasa of Sun - Jup in BJPs chart was definitely forming an excellent Rajyoga.. Jupiter being the significator of their Career house and Sun being placed in a friendly sign in the same house reflected very positively towards their governance.. However, where the speculation failed were on NaMo... a clean stupendous victory for NDA and the role of the feminine forces ... As an Astrologer , whatever calculations we make are based on planetary combinations in a horoscope, their dasa antardasa, and the mundane planetary projections on the chart... Going wrong on Narendra Modi ji has also been primarily due to the wrong birth chart being studied on his case... I have been making predictions on his chart which reflected a Scorpio ascendant that was given to us initially which had Moon - Rahu , a grahan yoga running at the moment and Jupiter ( the Lord of Governance ) transiting in his house of death... nullifying all its strength... and for sure these combinations would have made it impossible for him to land in PM post .... But now it looks clear that he has a Libra ascendant.... for such a whopping victory can only be formed with the combination that Libra ascendant forms and also the dasa antardasa that it forms( Moon - Mars, Moon in this chart now becoming the lord of Career house and Mars being in its own sign in the house of public dealings and name and fame- which in itself is an excellent dasa to undergo..).... Interestingly I got these details only on the 12th May14 morning from extremely reliable source just three days before the final election results.. However, since the actual details that I got were at the last moment... It became a little late for me to do any damage control on my prophecies... Also BJPs positive dasa strength and NaMos Libra ascendant strength superscribing each other has landed them into the figure they are floating at present and this is where I totally failed to decipher the strength of such a combination... and no wonder failed in my analysis of the number of seats that they would get... Although , NDA has clear majority.. I still feel women forces will play a strong role in the governance in times to come .... If it has not been in the formation of the Government, then It might come up as women being given more responsibilities , more women oriented welfare programmes or maybe the womens bill being passed in the forthcoming parliamentary sessions... Having said that... I still stand by my statement that Astrology is way too deep a science and is always correct , it is the individuals assessment that goes wrong.. There definitely has been certain minor shortcomings in my analysis .. and I take full responsibility of it.. Perhaps God must have had his own ulterior motives to put me in such a thick spot.. and I accept that with all humility... For me, It indeed is a time for deep introspections... God bless..!!..
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 12:24:43 +0000

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