Many NGOs and organizations for social change have mushroomed in - TopicsExpress


Many NGOs and organizations for social change have mushroomed in India in the previous decade but very few have expanded on the basis of scale and the impact on the community. After all, it’s a herculean task to scrape through red tapism in the government to be able to establish an NGO in the first place. To consistently work, fund is an important factor. Fundraising takes up a lot of energy and time. Often the people who are fundraising are also the ones running programmes and this creates the problem of which to prioritize. In fact prioritizing is difficult because each job depends on the other. The biggest issue for many of us however is sustainability. We may have programmes that are running well and then suddenly, for whatever reason, the funding dries up and we are unable to continue. This disruption can endanger our credibility as well as destroy relationships we have established; we can actually reverse the fruits of a lot of hard work. Fundraising remains a dilemma for many NGOs. We are subject to the economic environment we live in; the worse the economic situation, the harder it is to obtain funding. For instance, many people assume that the NGOs have a lot of money and do not need help because we seem to be always accepting donations, when in fact our expenses far outstrip the funds we receive. Wisdom Foundation is one such fledgling NGO, struggling every now and then. The world, unfortunately, is not pure; there are lots of negative forces. We should hope for the best but at the same time prepare with optimism for the worst. An optimistic attitude is the key factor for success. Right from the beginning, if we hold a pessimistic attitude, even small things may not be achieved. Therefore, to remain optimistic all the time is very important. Many people feel that politics is something dirty. That is also a wrong concept. In a democratic country practicing democracy effectively, whether we like it or not, political parties must be there. Under such circumstances, if we remain removed from politics, just to criticize or complain or resent, that is not a wise way. In the name of humanity, and also in the name of religion, some exploitations and abuses are there. How can we change that just sitting on the sideline? If we only criticize or gossip, there wont be much effect. Go into it and try to change things from within. That is the way. Stop criticizing/spreading rumours/gossiping as there are bad effects like: 1. Bad Karma If you’re spreading gossip about someone else, at the same time, someone can also gossip about you. Probably it’s the same people with whom you’re sharing gossip. “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” That’s a cliché for a reason. You could think that you’re talking about something unimportant, but think about this: maybe the person you’re gossiping about think it’s very important. One of the worst effects of gossip is that it will come back to you. 2. Gossiping Isolates You Of course people will continue to talk to you and you’ll still have friends, however, you’ll be known as the girl who constantly gossips. Gossiping reflects badly on you, even if you don’t realize it. People may secretly resent you. Think about someone you know who gossips a lot. How do others feeling about him or her? Without doubt gossiping will isolate you. 3. You Hurt Others If you’ve ever been the object of gossip or false rumors, you know how harmful it is. You feel embarrassed, disgraced, and ashamed, even if you haven’t done anything to be ashamed of. The fact is that we gossip about people because they make different choices, or because they do things with which we don’t agree. Stop gossiping about people, put yourself in their place, and remember a time when you’ve been hurt by gossip. One of the worst effects of gossip is that you can hurt others. 4. Gossip Spreads Lies By gossiping about something and spreading the rumor along, you’re perpetuating those lies. Eventually it leads to many of the hurtful effects listed above. If you’ve ever been lied about and then watched the ensuing gossip spread like wildfire, you know how terrible it feels. Very often gossip spreads lies. NGOs have more freedom and opportunity, so in many fields we can do many more and also we can create certain new ideas, new activities and act as a pilot. Therefore NGOs have a unique opportunity to contribute. Already we have contributed many things for humanity with the help of kind people in these three years and we hope we can continue our good work with full cooperation, confidence and determination. “A lie can run round the world before the truth has got its boots on.” Therefore, “If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them.” Come join Wisdom Foundation! Let Social Work be your PASSION and not a fashion as there are many, not so privileged ones who need your continuous support. https://youtube/watch?v=2G8XRpxZ2Wk
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 06:53:35 +0000

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